739 French Girl Names

  1. Elvéra
    • Pierrette
      • Origin:

        Feminine form of Pierre, French version of Peter
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Pierrette is the French feminine form of Peter or Pierre, an antiquated if charming feminization in the style of Albertine.
    • Harriette
      • Armantine
        • Origin:

          Variation of Armina
        • Meaning:

          "army man"
        • Description:

          This Frenchified variation softens and prettifies the harsh original.
      • Piaf
        • Origin:

          French surname
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Possible musical tribute name to the waiflike, husky-voiced midcentury French singer who was given this last name because of her birdlike quality.
      • Flaviana
        • Mandolin
          • Origin:

            French, musical intrument
          • Description:

            Mandolin may seem like an outlandish choice for a name, but since BANJO has been used as a baby name, all the instruments in the band seem to be auditioning for a place on birth certificates. This one comes with a real name nickname, MANDY.
        • Amérique
          • Zéphyrine
            • Christel
              • Estée
                • Satin
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                    "smooth, shiny"
                  • Description:

                    Sensuous to a fault.
                • Colombe
                  • Célina
                    • Douce
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                        "gentle, sweet"
                      • Description:

                        A sweet French word name possibility, but with unsavory teasing potential.
                    • Émilie
                      • Dulcette
                        • Dimanche
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                          • Description:

                            Pleasant-sounding word that could morph into a unique Sunday-picnic-type name.
                        • Verone
                          • Bechet
                            • Origin:

                              French surname
                            • Description:

                              Naming babies for personal heroes is the cool contemporary trend followed by Woody Allen when he honored New Orleans jazz clarinetist Sidney Bechet in his daughter's name--adding the middle name Dumaine after a cornet player who was another of his musical heroes. Bechet has a nice, catchy Gallic feel.