739 French Girl Names

  1. Perle
    • Dany
      • Origin:

        French, diminutive of DaniÈLle
      • Description:

        Sometimes used on its own. See DANI.
    • Josephe
      • Origin:

        French feminine variation of Joseph
      • Description:

        Josephe is much less well-known in the English-speaking world than Josephine or Joanna.
    • Péronelle
      • Veranina
        • Gerardine
          • Origin:

            French, feminine variation of Gerard
          • Description:

            Makes Geraldine seem positively groovy.
        • Perrette
          • Marjolie
            • Pennelope
              • Abélia
                • Juillet
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                • Flaviere
                  • Ronaldine
                    • Élénora
                      • Rosemonde
                        • Toinette
                          • Origin:

                            French, diminutive of Antoinette
                          • Meaning:

                            "priceless one"
                          • Description:

                            Probably too close for comfort to "toilette." Antonia conveys the same idea with a more mellifluous sound.
                        • Tomasa
                          • Danette
                            • Pensée
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                An interesting thought.
                            • Viole