Hungarian Names for Girls

Hungarian names for girls come from Hungary, a beautiful country that straddles central and eastern Europe, which is home to one of the world's most unusual languages, related to Finnish and only a few other little-spoken languages. Hungarian girls' names, for that reason, are often spelled very distinctively. Hungarian names for girls often feature the letter "K," the letters "SZ" or both. Yet Hungarian girls names, because they haven't been used much in the States in the past, often still feel very fresh.

See for yourself by looking through our list of Hungarian girls names. The top names below rank among the current US Top 1000 Baby Names and are ordered by popularity. Unique names rank below the Top 1000 and are listed alphabetically.
  1. Emilia
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Emil, Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Emilia is the feminine form of the Roman clan name Aemilius, which derived from the Latin aemulus, meaning "rival." In Shakespeare’s Othello, Emilia is the wife of Iago and confidante of Desdemona. Amelia, although homonymous, has a different root and meaning.
  2. Mika
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "beautiful fragrance"
    • Description:

      Mika is a Japanese girls' name that translates easily to English. As a male name, it's a short form of Mikael, the Scandinavian and Finnish form of Michael. Both are spelled and pronounced the same.
  3. Rez
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "having copper-colored hair"
    • Description:

      A beyond unusual choice for a little redhead.
  4. Kinga
    • Origin:

      Hungarian, Polish
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though the name Kinga has penetrated the international consciousness via the Slovakian model Kinga Rajzak, it's a rare choice for American baby girls: Only six were named Kinga last year. Is that because Kinga sounds like pseudo-royalty, ala Princessa? Though with names such as Reign and Royal rising through the ranks, the time-honored Kinga may see more widespread usage.
  5. Shari
    • Origin:

      Anglicized variation of Hungarian Sari, variation of Sarah
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This once-cool nickname-y name now belongs to the grandma generation.
  6. Edina
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Edina is an infectious-sounding Minnesota place-name, featured in the British cult hit TV show "Absolutely Fabulous." Edina is also a poetic name for Edinburgh and is a common name in contemporary Hungary. Though some sources list its origins as Hungarian, more peg it as a variation of Edwina, the feminine form of Edwin, an English name.
  7. Kamila
    • Origin:

      Latin, Arabic
    • Meaning:

      "young ceremonial attendant; perfect"
    • Description:

      Variant spelling of Camila, common in Eastern Europe. Kamila and Kamilah are also feminine forms of the Arabic name Kamil, meaning "perfect".
  8. Ilona
    • Origin:

      Hungarian variation of Helen
    • Description:

      Ilona has never been used much in the U.S. and is not a likely candidate for success.
  9. Malika
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Malika is an attractive multi-cultural name--it is also a pet form of Amalia in Hungary.
  10. Mariska
    • Origin:

      Hungarian diminutive of Maria
    • Meaning:

      "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved"
    • Description:

      Actress Hargitay made us notice this one, it makes a robust, energetic Slavic impression.
  11. Timea
    • Origin:

      Hungarian feminine variation of Timaeus
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This obscure but simple name is related to a Latinized form of an ancient Greek appellation that receives a mention in both Plato's Dialogues and the New Testament. Timmea and Timmia have also been found.
  12. Ilma
    • Origin:

      Finnish, Hungarian, Spanish, or literary Quenya
    • Meaning:

      "air; starlight"
    • Description:

      A name that's unknown in the US and Britain but is popular as a nature name in Finland. May also be known as a Hungarian variation of Amelia and a Spanish form of Wilhelmina.
  13. Zsazsa
    • Origin:

      Hungarian, , diminutive of Erzsebet
    • Meaning:

      "God is my oath"
    • Description:

      Zsa Zsa is a zippy Hungarian nickname name, sometimes used independently, linked for decades with the Hungarian-born actress Zsa Zsa Gabor--who was born Sari.
  14. Sarika
    • Origin:

      Sanskrit and Hindi bird name or Hungarian variation of Sarah, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Sarika is a pretty Sanskrit nature name, referring to a type of myna bird. Spelled Sárika, it's the Hungarian version of Sarah.
  15. Riza
    • Duna
      • Origin:

        Hungarian river name or Icelandic
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Duna refers the Hungarian word for the Danube River or to the Icelandic term for the down of a duck. Duna also bears a resemblance to both Dune and Djuna. In this era of word names and invented names, Duna may have a bright future.
    • Ilka
      • Origin:

        Hungarian, diminutive of Ilona; variation of Helen
      • Meaning:

        "bright, shining one"
      • Description:

        To some, may have the same warm feeling of Russian nicknames like Sasha and Misha.
    • Kamilla
      • Origin:

        Scandinavian variation of Camilla
      • Description:

        Kamilla is the usual spelling of Camilla throughout Scandinavia and in Finland, Iceland, and Greenland. Kamma is an appealing short form.
    • Sasa
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

    • Aliz
      • Origin:

        Hungarian form of Alice
      • Description:

        Aliz is a Top 50 name in Hungary and puts a zippy spin, thanks to that final z, on the classic Alice. Its similarity to names such as Elise may cause some confusion, but its simplicity makes it a winner.