Russian Girl Names

  1. Lidochka
    • Pavlina
      • Mishenka
        • Myusya
          • Yarina
            • Rahil
              • Orina
                • Origin:

                  Russian variation of Irene
                • Description:

                  Better: Irina.
              • Yaryna
                • Rakhila
                  • Melashka
                    • Melaniya
                      • Varyusha
                        • Natashya
                          • Origin:

                            Variation of Natasha
                          • Meaning:

                            "born on Christmas Day"
                          • Description:

                            Tori Amos added a little extra something to the already pretty elaborate Natasha for her daughter's name.
                        • Duscha
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                          • Description:

                            Seems like a possible alternative to the more popular Sascha, but middle school life would be difficult for any girl bearing this name in an English-speaking world.
                        • Kostyusha
                          • Verochka
                            • Verine
                              • Laurissa
                                • Konstantin
                                  • Zoyenka