Basque Names for Boys

  1. Elazar
    • Ixidor
      • Dabid
        • Imanol
          • Andoni
            • Origin:

              Basque variation of Anthony, Latin
            • Meaning:

              "from Antium"
            • Description:

              Andoni is the Basque version of Anthony, no longer a common choice in Spain.
          • Zadornin
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              If you want something truly different that also has an interesting origin and meaning, this is a far-out -- if not unlikely -- possibility.
          • Palben
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              There are many names that mean redhead or dark, fewer that mean blond, but this is an intriguing little-known option from the Basque region of Spain, deriving from the Latin Flavianus.
          • Satordi
            • Ganiz
              • Origin:

                Basque variation of John
              • Description:

                Ganiz, sometimes spelled Ganix, is a Basque name which is e variation of John. Virtually unknown in the US, this may be a creative way to honor an ancestral John (and there are so many of them!).
            • Dunixi
              • Ximun
                • Andone
                  • Iara
                    • Patxi
                      • Origin:

                        Basque variation of Francis
                      • Description:

                        Basque alternative to Paddy or Pat
                    • Iáaki
                      • Estebe
                        • Beñat
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                            "variation of Bernard"
                          • Description:

                            This Basque name is more unusual and attractive than the grandfather-ish Bernard.
                        • Xalbador
                          • Erramun
                            • Samsó