Animal Names for Girls

  1. Carola
    • Eady
      • Effemy
        • Conifer
          • Origin:

            Tree name from Latin
          • Meaning:

        • Dulcita
          • Anette
            • Britania
              • Adleigh
                • Anthemia
                  • Amariyah
                    • Aiyla
                      • Antobam
                        • Origin:

                          Fante, Ghanaian
                        • Meaning:

                          "posthumous child"
                        • Description:

                          Traditional West African name used for daughters born after the death of a parent.
                      • Coralynne
                        • Calani
                          • Breeanne
                            • Anthonella
                              • Barbary
                                • Origin:

                                  Latin, English, French
                                • Meaning:

                                  "foreign woman"
                                • Description:

                                  In Medieval England, Barbary was a common given name and short form of Barbara. Today it exists as a surname, either derived from Barbara itself, or in French, from the Occitan barbari, meaning "barbarian."
                              • Darlette
                                • Agnesse
                                  • Aurex
                                    • Origin:

                                      Invented literary name
                                    • Description:

                                      Lady Aurex is a character in L. Frank Baum's Glinda of Oz, a sequel to The Wizard of Oz.