Animal Names for Girls

  1. Anna-marie
    • Anari
      • Ameri
        • D'arcy
          • Ajá
            • Chanay
              • Afnan
                • Angelynn
                  • Dulcinia
                    • Origin:

                      Spelling variation of Dulcinea, Spanish
                    • Meaning:

                    • Description:

                      Dulcinia is a rare variation of this name from Don Quixote. Neither variation was used for any baby girls in the US last year.
                  • Aailiyah
                    • Dulcina
                      • Clois
                        • Crestienne
                          • Chrisie
                            • Abihail
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "father of might"
                              • Description:

                                There are two Abihails in the Old Testament, but her similarity to Abigail is probably responsible for its being so little known or used.
                            • Blais
                              • Canace
                                • Beryan
                                  • Origin:

                                    Cornish, meaning unknown
                                  • Description:

                                    In Cornish legend, Beryan was a princess who could heal the sick. There is also a Cornish village on the coast called Veryan.
                                • Danely
                                  • Annitra