7 Letter Girl Names

  1. Allecia
    • Aissata
      • Akelina
        • Origin:

          Hawaiian variant of Adeline
        • Description:

          One of the many Hawaiian variants of European names to come out of King Kamehameha IV's 1860 edict mandating the use of Western-style baby names in the tropical archipelago.
      • Mariely
        • Natálie
          • Origin:

            Czech variation of Natalia, Latin
          • Meaning:

            "birthday [of the Lord]"
          • Description:

            Although it looks more like Natalie to an English speaker, this Czech name is pronounced closer to the original Natalia.
        • Harriot
          • Aliscia
            • Verasha
              • Lyoubov
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  A French spelling of a Russian word, recorded on at least one baby in France.
              • Aaralyn
                • Ellenor
                  • Merissa
                    • Alexcia
                      • Koralee
                        • Dakotah
                          • Mission
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                          • Shannah
                            • Pandita
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "learned, scholarly"
                              • Description:

                                Might be a little too close to bandita.
                            • Amaleah
                              • Eleesha