8 Letter Girl Names
- Quetzali
- Pearleen
- Braylinn
- Christan
- Shonette
- Wildfire
English nature name
- Drucella
- Callyope
- Khadijia
- Terriell
- Mitchele
- Marthena
- Claudita
- Massaiah
- Chellsie
- Seagreen
English color nameDescription:
An appealing blue-green color that would make for a unique baby name. Another option: Seablue.
- Sharonda
- Agrafina
- Wylodean
- Olympias
Feminization of Olympos, GreekMeaning:
"from Mount Olympus"Description:
Famously the mother of Alexander the Great. These days, her name is more commonly seen in the form of Olympia.