Six Letter Boy Names

  1. Quarry
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      Has the offbeat quality and macho feel -- like Stone and Flint -- that appeals to increasing numbers of modern parents.
  2. Eammon
    • Brevin
      • Origin:

        Modern invented name
      • Description:

        If you're tired of Kevin and Devin, you might consider the newly coined Brevin.
    • Ballou
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from Bellou"
      • Description:

        This surname-name comes with some great connotations: Addie Ballou the American feminist, Kurt Ballou — guitarist with the band Converge, or Adin Ballou — abolitionist and pacifist. It has a trendy, whimsical sound that sets it apart from more traditional surnames like Cooper, Hunter, and Archer and puts it more in the camp of the softer international names like Aaru, Bayou, and Finlo.
    • Skyden
      • Earwyn
        • Pacome
          • Origin:

            French from Greek
          • Meaning:

            "of strong nature, or, pacifier"
          • Description:

            Pacome is a French saint's name rarely heard in this country, but currently being revived in its native France.

            Some variants are Pacomi, Pacomio and Pacomius.

        • Evreux
          • Samuil
            • Origin:

              Russian; Bulgarian, from Hebrew
            • Meaning:

              "told by God"
            • Description:

              The Russian and Bulgarian variant of Samuel.
          • Themba
            • Origin:

              Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele
            • Meaning:

              "trust, hope"
            • Description:

              Themba is a common male name in southern African countries such as Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Eswatini.
          • Rafiel
            • Göktuğ
              • Origin:

                Turkish word name
              • Description:

                GÖKTUĞ is a Turkish air-to-air missile development program, from gök, "sky", and tuğ, "banner". Göktuğ has been co-opted as a baby name in Turkey, mostly among those with ties to the Air Force, and is now one of the most popular baby boy names there.
            • Yannik
              • Origin:

                Extension of Jann or Yann
              • Meaning:

                "God is gracious"
              • Description:

                A simplified spelling of the French name Yannick. It's almost unknown to English speakers, but could be an interesting Euro-chic alternative to the more popular Henrik.
            • Kaizer
              • Origin:

                Spelling variation of word name Kaiser
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                A regal sounding name with a cool, trendy twist, Kaizer is a variation of the title given to the now-defunct German emperor. Deriving from Caesar (with the perhaps less appealing, hairy meaning), the traditional Kaiser spelling is in the US Top 1000. Given to around 330 boys each year, it is more than twice as popular as Kaizer.
            • Malcom
              • Origin:

                Variation of Malcolm, Scottish
              • Meaning:

                "devotee of St. Columba"
              • Description:

                This may be a phonetic variation of Malcolm, but it just looks...wrong. Be prepared for spelling corrections.
            • Tayson
              • Origin:

                Modern invented name
              • Description:

                Parents wanting to move beyond Jason and Mason, not to mention Taylor, have created Tayson. But like many smoosh baby names, this choice is less than the sum of its parts.
            • Kallen
              • Kalyan
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "beautiful, auspicious"
                • Description:

                  A strong and stylish Sanskrit name with the oh-so-cool nickname Kal built in.
              • Naaman
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "sweet herbs"
                • Description:

                  The double a makes it special.
              • Phenex
                • Description:

                  Phenex is a demon known as one of the Great Marquis of Hell, ruling over legions of demons. He is known for science and poetry.