10,000+ Girl Names That End in A
- Martica
- Kamiya
- Amilliana
- Erla
- Santenna
- Ellsa
- Tibona
- Paoletta
- Esmirelda
- Doriana
- Toinetta
- Dalexa
- Sabira
Feminine variation of SabirMeaning:
Sabira is an appealing Arabic name that refers to one of the essential Quranic qualities of patients. Sabri is another form of the name that can be used for both girls and boys and has a modern, adorable sound.
- Georgeana
- Megha
"cloud; rain cloud"Description:
Not to be confused with Meghan, Megha is a pretty but impactful name of Sanskrit origin, popularly used in India.
- Selestina
- Orselina
- Amantha
English, invented nameDescription:
Blends Samantha and Amanda, yet feels fresher than either.
- Brisha
- Cyntha