6500+ Girl Names That End in E

  1. Eglantyne
    • Chenelle
      • Rinee
        • Leyanne
          • Timmarie
            • Description:

              Unusual smoosh of Tim and Marie, Timmarie is one of those unique baby names that should probably stay that way.
          • Makalie
            • Nyelle
              • Jolanthe
                • Klarise
                  • Dyane
                    • Grishilde
                      • Berrie
                        • Lorie
                          • Rexanne
                            • Origin:

                              Combination of Rex and Anne
                            • Description:

                              Stick to Roxanne.
                          • Mickalene
                            • Origin:

                              American invented name
                            • Description:

                              Borne by Mickalene Thomas, an American artist primarily known for her photographs and paintings embellished with rhinestones and enamel.
                          • Kobie
                            • Lucinenne
                              • Freyde
                                • Poppy-rose
                                  • Bannerjee