6500+ Girl Names That End in E

  1. Tloinette
    • Crestienne
      • Chrisie
        • Canace
          • Meredythe
            • Camdynne
              • Helayne
                • Maurette
                  • Ibane
                    • Emane
                      • Kirsie
                        • Gerrie
                          • Origin:

                            English, German
                          • Meaning:

                            "ruler with the spear"
                          • Description:

                            The -ie spelling of Gerry or Geri feels slightly lighter and fresher, but long form Geraldine is still stuck in style limbo.
                        • Erene
                          • Doree
                            • Brande
                              • Maylene
                                • Promyse
                                  • Esmëe
                                    • Zacqueline
                                      • Savonne