6500+ Girl Names That End in E

  1. Reyanne
    • Abarrane
      • Ginnette
        • Cora-lee
          • Roxene
            • Sharrie
              • Carie
                • Rashelle
                  • Maralynne
                    • Perchance
                      • Origin:

                        English word name
                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Archaic word which could make for a fresh word name possibility.
                    • Ajare
                      • Charalynne
                        • Michellene
                          • Frederine
                            • Shantalle
                              • Johnelle
                                • Emlynne
                                  • Mccue
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "son of Hugh"
                                    • Description:

                                      This surname was used by Grant Show and Katherine La Nasa for their daughter Eloise's middle.
                                  • Gudrunne
                                    • Yevette