6500+ Girl Names That End in E

  1. Emie
    • Colombine
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        A beautiful English and French flower name deriving from the Latin word for dove. Sadly, in America this name is now forever linked with a tragic terrorist attack on a Colorado high school.
    • Roree
      • Susanne
        • Rossie
          • Sunrose
            • Origin:

              English flower name
            • Description:

              The bright sunrose flower – officially known as helianthemum – comes in several vibrant colors, most commonly bright sunshine yellow. A sunny, quirky nature name possibility.
          • Kaye
            • Defiance
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Could be a modern virtue... or perhaps not for the parents!
            • Melodie
              • Shulammite
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Derivative of Shalom and one of the unique baby names featured in the Old Testament.
              • Tere
                • Evvie
                  • Origin:

                    Nickname for Ev names
                  • Description:

                    Evvie is a nickname used as a full first, beginning to be heard as a diminutive of such Ev-starting girl names as Evelyn and Everly. Not to be confused with Evie or Edie.
                • Zofie
                  • Maguire
                    • Origin:

                      Irish surname
                    • Meaning:

                      "son of the beige one"
                    • Description:

                      Easy nickname Maggie makes Maguire an appealing option for girls.
                  • Sibylle
                    • Chie
                      • Experience
                        • Origin:

                          Word name
                        • Description:

                          Experience was used by the Puritans but probably too joke-worthy for a modern child...or teenager.
                      • Aihe
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          A light and airy Māori nature name with an adorable meaning.
                      • Tiree
                        • Origin:

                          Place name
                        • Meaning:

                          "Land of corn"
                        • Description:

                          Tiree is the anglicised name of the Scottish island of Tiriodh in the Inner Hebrides. It’s known as Scotland’s "sunshine isle", benefiting from an uncharacteristically warm and sunny climate and beautiful beaches which are popular with surfers and windsurfers. As a given name, Tiree is in rare but regular use in Scotland, England and Wales.
                      • Yule
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                          "winter solstice"
                        • Description:

                          Yule is one Christmas baby name that doesn't sound very festive. We prefer Winter or even Christmas itself.