675+ Girl Names That End in S

  1. Ares
    • Clematis
      • Origin:

        Flower name, from Greek
      • Meaning:

        "vine branch"
      • Description:

        Flower name that sounds a bit too much like a disease.
    • Pocahontas
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "playful one"
      • Description:

        Seen from our vantage point, Pocahontas is a name that will please no one. It's sure to invite playground mockery, and parents without Algonquin ancestry will be engaging in cultural appropriation. In certain circles, the 1995 Disney movie still stirs up bad blood. The name doesn't even present any obvious nickname possibilities to hide behind.
    • Athenais
      • Aileas
        • Origin:

          Scottish form of Alice
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Aileas is one of those Scottish names that is at once familiar and unusual, a spin on the internationally-popular Alice that is all but unknown outside of its native Scotland. It might overcomplicate things in the US, though, given that most Americans would pronounce it like the word alias and would find it difficult to get from those vowel combinations to ah-lus or eh-lus.
      • Agnus
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Latin for "lamb", and a soundalike of the previously mega-popular female name Agnes, which has long been associated with lambs due to the link. Agnus Dei is Latin for "Lamb of God", honoured within the Catholic Mass and other Christian liturgies.
      • Tyas
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "heart of hearts"
        • Description:

          Tyas is an unusual Indonesian name that's simple and straightforward and could make an distinctive choice in the Western World.
      • Semiramis
        • Origin:

          Queen of Babylon
        • Description:

          Semiramis was the most important Queen of Assyria, who conquered much of Asia. Semiramis restored ancient Babylon and protected it with a high brick wall that completely surrounded the city. Then she built several palaces in Persia, reigned much of Asia Minor effectively and conquered Libya and Ethiopia.
      • Aries
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "a ram"
        • Description:

          A recent favorite among boy names, now a top riser for girls.
      • Gwyladyss
        • Origin:

          Old Welsh variation of Gladys
        • Description:

          Gwyladyss is an Old Welsh variation of the New Welsh Gladys, pronounced like the more familiar form, but modern English speakers can be forgiven for not knowing that. Gladys would be a difficult enough name for a 21st century child; with this spelling, it would be impossible.
      • Mittens
        • Origin:

          English word name
        • Description:

          Mittens is a common name for cats with mitten-like fur patterns on their paws. The word actually has feline origins — it shares a root with mite, an Old French pet name for a cat. It became linked with mittens because they were made of fur.
      • Aleydis
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "noble woman"
        • Description:

          A rare and historic member of the Alice and Adelaide family of names, ultimately from Adelheidis.
      • Curtis
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "courteous, polite"
        • Description:

          Best-selling Prep author Curtis Sittenfeld made this one of the many boy names for girls" gaining in popularity and acceptability.
      • Inas
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Inas is one of those simple but rare names that's worth a look, whether you're trying to bridge Arabic and English cultures or are looking for a meaningful, unusual choice. No baby girls were named Inas in the US last year. For English speakers, the second syllable rhymes with has or jazz.
      • Delores
        • Origin:

          Variation of Dolores
        • Description:

          See DOLORES.
      • Arliss
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Arliss is most famous as the name of a few high-profile male characters, though it can just as easily work for a baby girl.
      • Les
        • Origin:

          Nickname for Lester, Leslie
        • Description:

          Les is strictly a nickname in our book--for the male Lester or the female Leslie. For example, famed guitarist Les Paul was born Lester. So though sometimes more is less, in this case Les is less.
      • Adelais
        • Aeris
          • Praxis
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Praxis makes perfect? Though this mythological name sounds boyish, it's a female name, an equivalent for Aphrodite.