Names Ending in B for Boys

  1. Yakob
    • Jaicob
      • Steb
        • Ayub
          • Najeeb
            • Dragoljub
              • Origin:

                Slovene, Croatian
              • Meaning:

                "precious love; nasturtium"
              • Description:

                This meaningful Slavic name is also the Slovene and Croatian word for the nasturtium flower.
            • Najíb
              • Jacobb
                • Khaleb
                  • Caylyb
                    • Jarib
                      • Muscab
                        • Mehtaab
                          • Jocobb
                            • Newcomb
                              • Origin:

                                English Surname
                              • Meaning:

                                "newly come"
                              • Description:

                                Julia Styles used Newcomb as the middle name for her son Strummer.
                            • Tibb
                              • Origin:

                                Variation of Tib, English
                              • Meaning:

                                "courageous people"
                              • Description:

                                In medieval times, Tibb and Tib were nicknames for Theobald, which also gave way to short forms Tebb and Tipp.
                            • Yocoub
                              • Awab
                                • Yaacob
                                  • Kaylob