Names Ending in C for Boys

  1. Alldric
    • Zacc
      • Franc
        • Francesc
          • Origin:

            Catalan form of Francis
          • Description:

            A streamlined and little-known (outside Catalonia) member of the Francis/Francesco family of names. The nickname Cesc ("sesk") is now popular there in its own right.
        • Nejc
          • Origin:

            Diminutive of Jernej, Slovene
          • Meaning:

            "son of the furrow"
          • Description:

            A popular Slovene nickname-turned-independent-name that, believe it or not, is related to Bartholomew. Nejc sounds like Nate.
        • Alrec
          • Phila
            • Origin:

              Zulu, Xhosa
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              In the Zulu and Xhosa languages of Southern Africa, Phila is a unisex name meaning "life" or "get well".
          • Yannic
            • Origin:

              French, Breton
            • Meaning:

              "god is gracious"
            • Description:

              Form of Yannick
          • Ignác
            • Wlanc
              • Origin:

                Old English
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                This Old English personal name is totally extinct today, but lives on in the surname and place name Lansing, which means "family of Wlanc."
            • Deric
              • Aleric
                • Allaric
                  • Cormic
                    • Dic
                      • Bardric
                        • Imric
                          • Dedric
                            • Ermac
                              • Origin:

                                Invented name
                              • Description:

                                Character from the Mortal Kombat video games. Could be an interesting way to get to the nickname Mac.
                            • Yssac