Names Ending in G for Boys

  1. Reeg
    • Jahking
      • Loving
        • Origin:

          English word name
        • Description:

          Loving is a lovely virtue name to bestow upon a child, but would likely make a better middle name for a boy. Richard and Mildred Loving were an interracial couple who married in the 60s, spurring a landmark Supreme Court case that legalized interracial marriage in all states. The story of this remarkable couple was showcased in the 2016 film "Loving".
      • Caradog
        • Aodg
          • Seelig
            • Spaulding
              • Vuong
                • Jopling
                  • Origin:

                    English surname
                  • Meaning:

                    "son of Job"
                  • Description:

                    Bouncy surname name from the same origins as Joplin, which may be easier to convert to a first name.
                • Jörg
                  • Flemyng
                    • Yug
                      • Arthog
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          If Arthur is too mainstream for you nowadays, this related name definitely won't be. It belongs to a village and river in North Wales.
                      • Kraig
                        • Spelding
                          • Makisig
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                          • Caradawg
                            • Shuang
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                Frosty unisex choice.
                            • Jorg
                              • Nareg
                                • Origin:

                                • Description:

                                  Variation of Narek.