Names Ending in H for Boys

  1. Farrleigh
    • Tanush
      • Rowleigh
        • Samarth
          • Massiah
            • Origin:

              Variation of Messiah, Hebrew
            • Meaning:

              "expected savior or deliverer"
            • Description:

              With Messiah no longer a forbidden choice, alternative spelling options for the now Top 200 name are being considered. Massiah is one such option, thought there is also a chance it could link to the word mashiach meaning "anointed one". In Jewish tradition, this refers to the one who will be crowned king in the End of Days, not to the Biblical Jesus. It is more likely however that Massiah is being used as a form of Messiah, with around 80 boys receiving the name in a recent year.
          • Bardulph
            • Kennth
              • Kainoah
                • Naksh
                  • Ralegh
                    • Tevish
                      • Tarikh
                        • Osiah
                          • Morleigh
                            • Sidharth
                              • Dierich
                                • Barrush
                                  • Zedechiah
                                    • Reyaansh
                                      • Rajaah