1100+ Boy Names That End in I

  1. Chai
    • Origin:

      Hebrew word name
    • Meaning:

      "tea, alive"
    • Description:

      Pronounced CHY, it's a word name meaning tea in many Eastern languages. The Hebrew name is pronounced without the C as HAI.
  2. Zai
    • Origin:

      Invented name
    • Description:

      A modern invention in the style of Kai. Long I is the hottest vowel sound right now, so Zai is destined for wider use.
  3. Devi
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Devi is the name of a Hindu goddess. Deva or Dev are male forms.
  4. Mavi
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Mavi is used for both boys and girls in its native Turkey, but is a new gender-neutral name in the US.
  5. Antoni
    • Origin:

      Polish, Catalan and Welsh form of Antonius, Latin
    • Meaning:

  6. Avri
    • Origin:

      Jèrriais, English, or diminutive of Avraham, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "springlike, fresh, dewy; ruler of the elves; father of multitudes"
    • Description:

      Most of the parents that name their sons Avri are likely using it as a creative spelling of Avery, though it is also a Jèrriais name, from the Island of Jersey, meaning "April; spring like". From its Hebrew origins, it is a nickname for Avraham, the Biblical Hebrew variation of Abraham, making this a multicultural option.
  7. Nitai
    • Origin:

      Hebrew, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      A geographical name in Israel, where Mount Nitai is located.
  8. Mekhi
    • Origin:

      Derivation and meaning unknown
    • Description:

      Fans of versatile, rising African- American actor Mekhi Phifer have begun to adopt his unusual first name for their sons.
  9. Kishi
    • Origin:

      Japanese, Hebrew
    • Description:

      Kishi is a common Japanese surname. Kishi is also a two-faced demon in Angolan folklore, as well as a separate figure in the Bible.
  10. Tali
    • Kyi
      • Origin:

        Ukrainian deity
      • Description:

        The name of the legendary founder of the capital city of Ukraine — Kyiv. In one source, Kyi is associated with smithery.
    • Matti
      • Origin:

        Finnish variation of Matthew, Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "gift of God"
      • Description:

        We like Matti in theory, but in practice it’s likely to get confused for the girlish Maddie.
    • Jovani
      • Origin:

        English, Latin American
      • Meaning:

        "god is gracious"
      • Description:

        A respelling of Giovanni which makes the Italian pronunciation – three syllables, rather than four – more clear. Jovani and its variant Jovanni were both Top 1000 picks for the first decade and a half of the 20th century. They are particularly popular in the US's Latino community.
    • Sölvi
      • Origin:

        Icelandic variation of Sǫlvi, Old Norse
      • Meaning:

        "temple of the Sun"
      • Description:

        In Swedish, Sölvi is a feminine name and variation of Solveig. The Icelandic masculine form evolved from Sǫlvi, an Old Norse name no longer in use.
    • Aoki
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "blue tree"
    • Muhammed ali
      • Origin:

        Turkish from Arabic
      • Meaning:

        "supremely praiseworthy"
      • Description:

        No, Muhammed Ali is not given as a tribute to American boxer Muhammad Ali (notice the spelling difference!). In Turkey, it's a common double-barreled first name for Muslim boys.
    • Ryoichi
      • Origin:

        Japanese, meaning unknown
      • Description:

        Common Japanese male name in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
    • Dumi
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Short form of Dumisani
    • Takeshi
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "warrior; strong; healthy"
    • Azai
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        This name, with its great meaning, has seen a notable rise for boys since the mid-2010s. It debuted on the US charts for girls in 2021.