1770+ Boy Names Ending in O

  1. Sisco
    • Sesto
      • Humberto
        • Origin:

          Spanish and Portuguese variation of Humbert, German
        • Meaning:

          "renowned warrior"
        • Description:

          Humberto lifts this ancient name out of the gross association to fictional pedophile Humbert Humbert, investing it with a good measure of Latin charm. It helps that the pronunciation is significantly different, much closer to the Italian Umberto than to the flat-footed original.
      • Marcio
        • Nikao
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "win, conquer, overcome"
          • Description:

            A Greek verb found several times in the Bible, with a cool sound and empowering meaning.
        • Iddo
          • Origin:

            Hebrew and Arabic
          • Meaning:

            "to evaporate and to be mighty"
          • Description:

            This Old Testament name, also translated as Ido, is well-used in the modern Middle East but nearly unknown in the US. The Biblical Iddo was a minor prophet who lived in the time of Solomon.
        • Victorio
          • Innocensio
            • Carlito
              • Jelco
                • Origin:

                  Modern invented names
                • Description:

                  One of the many outlandish names to come out of Canadian sci-fi series Killjoys.
              • Arsemio
                • Aerricko
                  • Gasparo
                    • Enesenico
                      • Jimbo
                        • Sigfrido
                          • Liam santiago
                            • Affonso
                              • Jengo
                                • Origin:

                                  African, Swahili
                                • Meaning:

                                • Description:

                                  Jengo is pronounced like Django, best known to Americans as the first name of the hero of Quentin Tarantino's film Django Unchained.
                              • Ysidro