1310+ Boy Names That End in R
- Barbar
- Qadar
"decree, destination"Description:
One of several Arabic names that can be spelled with a Q or a K, rarely heard outside the Muslim community.
- Gabor
"god is my strength"Description:
Probably most familiar to English-speakers as Zsa Zsa Gabor's last name, the rise of other Eastern European boys' names like Casimir, Milo and Laszlo make Gabor an increasingly wearable option.
- Quaadir
- Ibhar
- Hoover
"owner of a patch of farmland"Description:
A huve is 40 acres of land, so the occupational name Hoover refers to the farmer who owned and worked it. Hoover also relates to the rock band, the vacuum cleaner, the dam, and former FBI head J. Edgar.
- Avir
- Honour
English word nameMeaning:
Virtue name Honor was given to just over 100 baby boys (and around the same number of baby girls) in 2022. Spelling variation Honour — the spelling of the word used in the UK — is used in much smaller numbers in the States, but is slowly increasing in use.
- Cheever
"female goat"Description:
Cheever has a nice, cheery sound, literary ties to novelist and short writer John Cheever and also, sideways, to the Edward Arlington Robinson narrative poem "Miniver Cheevy," as well as a subliminal association with the desirable word achiever: all strong pluses.
- Collyer
- Gazpar
- Raynar
- Grainger
- Wictor
- Taner
- Jamarr
- Farquahar
Anglicized form of Irish and Scottish FearcharMeaning:
"dear man"Description:
Definitely a far stretch for any child.
- Tofer
- Nikander
- Rivor