2000+ Boy Names That End in S

  1. Sudais
    • Romeris
      • Birinus
        • Caractacus
          • Origin:

            Brythonic, Latin
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Latinized form of the Brythonic name Caratacos, with an extra C added in the middle. This spelling appears in the lyrics of "I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General" (Pirates Of Penzance, 1879), as well as in the novel and musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
        • Jose de jesus
          • Adonnis
            • Hippolytos
              • Séamas
                • Parris
                  • Titis
                    • Burges
                      • Tydus
                        • Qais
                          • Frides
                            • Fabiyus
                              • Fearghas
                                • Zakarias
                                  • Bohemas
                                    • Origin:

                                      Romani, variant of Bohemia
                                  • Morriss
                                    • Màmus