1330+ Boy Names That End in Y

  1. Rony
    • Moray
      • Germany
        • Origin:

          Country name
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Germany doesn't seem to have the same possibilities as a first name as other countries and continents do. It's unlikely to become another Asia or Africa, India or Ireland. But there was an early football player, credited with inventing the position of linebacker, who was known by the name Germany – Germany Schulz. In his case, Germany was a nickname for Adolph.
      • Alfey
        • Gusty
          • Reily
            • Zolly
              • Quinncy
                • Smitty
                  • Blakey
                    • Origin:

                      English surname and place name
                    • Meaning:

                      "white or dark"
                    • Description:

                      Variant of Blake, borne by the great jazz drummer Art Blakey.
                  • Remmy
                    • Tenney
                      • Zeffrey
                        • Nickelby
                          • Lewy
                            • Korey
                              • Origin:

                                Spelling variation of Corey
                              • Description:

                                See COREY.
                            • Worley
                              • Dionizy
                                • Zachaury
                                  • Zachry