Names That Mean Men

  1. Alexander
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexander has been in a Top 25 boys' name in the US for 30 years now. But namers are still attracted to its imposing historic pedigree.
  2. Alistair
    • Origin:

      English spelling of Alasdair, Scottish version of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      With many British names invading the Yankee name pool, the sophisticated Alistair could and should be part of the next wave. It debuted in the US Top 1000 in 2016. You have a triple choice with this name--the British spell it Alistair or Alastair, while the Scots prefer Alasdair--but they're all suave Gaelic versions of Alexander. Adopted by the lowland Scots by the seventeenth century, the name didn't become popular outside Scotland and Ireland until the twentieth century.
  3. Alexandra
    • Origin:

      Greek, feminine form of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexandra fell out of the Top 100 for the first time since 1983 in 2015 but is still a popular choice. Strong, tasteful, and elegant, Alexandra remains a chic modern classic with a solid historic pedigree.
  4. Alec
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alec, though an old nickname for Alexander, is much fresher sounding than Alex, with the additional advantage, at least to some parents, of being distinctly male (there are as many girl Alexes these days as there are boys). While Alec has a clipped British image, it's actually one of the classic Greek names for boys, by way of father name Alexander.
  5. Xander
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Xander is a diminutive of Alexander, the Latin variation of the Greek Alexandros. Its meaning, "defending men," is taken from the Greek roots aléxein, "to defend," and andros, "men." Zander, pronounced the same way, is an alternate spelling.
  6. Crew
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "a band or force of armed men"
    • Description:

      Crew is yet another word name that was added to the baby name lexicon when this one was chosen by The Young and the Restless star Joshua Morrow for his son. It debuted on the Top 1000 in 2010. We've also heard spelling variations Cru and Crue.
  7. Sasha
    • Origin:

      Russian, diminutive of Greek Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Sasha, largely male in Russia--and also spelled Sascha and Sacha--is an energetic name that has really taken off for girls here, chosen by Jerry Seinfeld (using the alternate Sascha spelling) and other celebs. The Barack Obamas use it as the nickname for their younger daughter, whose proper name is Natasha. But in line with a trend toward softer-sounding boys' names like Asher and Joshua and thanks to Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen, Sasha also still has life as a boys' name too--it's popular in France for boys and girls almost equally.
  8. Zander
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      On the rise as an independent name: Zander and Xander are both widely used can increasingly be found as characters in movies and on TV.
  9. Alex
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander, Alexis
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      The independent Alex has become a classic in its own right. One of the truest unisex names, Alex is used almost equally for both sexes. Alex is used both on its own and as a short form of formal names of both genders, such as Alexander, Alexandra, and Alexis.
  10. Sasha
    • Origin:

      Russian diminutive of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      The energetic Russian nickname name Sasha is being used increasingly on its own, though since the prominence of the First Daughter, more than 90% of the American babies named Sasha are girls. Sacha Baron Cohen bears one of the alternate spellings.
  11. Alastair
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "defender of men"
    • Description:

      To Americans, a quintessential British name, introduced to the U.S. public by suave journalist/PBS Masterpiece Theater host Alastair Cook. Sometimes used in the U.S. by parents with Scottish heritage.
  12. Alasdair
    • Origin:

      Scottish variation of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      In this country, more recognizable with the Alistair spelling.
  13. Alexandria
    • Origin:

      Variation of Alexandra, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexandria turns classic Alexandra into a more distinctive place-name, in both Egypt and Virginia, while also giving it a touchy of frilliness. The name peaked in the 90s when it entered the US Top 100 for the first time, but has since been on decline.
  14. Lex
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Cool short form of Alexander, fresher than Alex and less trendy than Xander... for now.
  15. Alexei
    • Origin:

      Russian, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexei could well join the legion of Alex names popular in the US. There are countless opportunities to liven up Alexander, and Alexei (or Alexey) is one of the most straightforward and appealing.
  16. Alessandro
    • Origin:

      Italian variation of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      For anyone seeking a more unusual version of Alexander, this is a real winner.
  17. Alessandra
    • Origin:

      Italian and Portuguese variation of Alexandra
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      This Italian and Portuguese variant of the classic Alexandra softens the classic name, while still maintaining its strength and dignity. Currently in the US Top 500, it also ranks in Brazil and Italy. Instead of Lexi, this form could get you to nicknames Essie or Alessa.
  18. Alejandro
    • Origin:

      Spanish variation of Alexander
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Softer and smoother than Alexander, this classic Spanish name for boys has made a seamless transition to this culture. Adding to its current impact: the Lady Gaga song Alejandro .
  19. Sandra
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alessandra, Italian from Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      2012's Hurricane Sandy blew away whatever style currency Sandra retained from its 1960s Sandra Dee heyday. While in recent years it's been associated with Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, as a baby name Sandra is sinking beneath the waves.
  20. Alexa
    • Origin:

      Greek, English
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexa was a steadily popular modern classic until Amazon's virtual assistant Alexa was released in 2013. It remains relatively well used in the US despite this, though its standing keeps dropping for obvious reasons. Too bad, because it's a strong and pretty name (which is probably why Amazon used it.)