Articles by Nephele

Nephele is the alias of an obsessive anagrammatist who for more than a decade has provided unique name makeovers for people on numerous Internet forums. Despite the popularity of Nephele’s anagrams, she is not prepared to give up her day job in an undisclosed public library in New York.

Tue Oct 14 2014

Beatrix Potter names beyond Peter Rabbit

We all remember Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, but there were a lot more nicely-named critters in the charming world of Beatrix Potter, as Nephele explains.
Sat Sep 06 2014

Steampunk Baby Names: Victorian tech

Are you a Steampunk aficionado? Here’s Nephele’s rich, long list of related choices, from Arronax to Brisco to Zylpha–and some more ordinary names in-between.
Thu Aug 14 2014

Musical Baby Names: Gilbert & Sullivan Goodies

From Nephele, some delightful and unexpected names from the lesser known operettas of Gilbert & Sullivan–as in Fiametta, Lelia and Roderic.
Tue Nov 12 2013

100 Top Word Names of 2012: Hunter, Hope–and Henry?

As guest blogger Nephele demonstrates here, not all word names give away their identities as such–as in Martin, Morgan and Maya. It’s fun to see the sometimes surprising dictionary definitions of these names.
Tue Sep 21 2010

Name Popularity List: Two new Latin names and how they got there

How two girls’ names from a Spanish reality TV show jumped onto the US Most Popular list.
Sun Mar 28 2010

Jewish Baby Names: A Passover menu of Yiddish names

Mazel Tov! Welcome Kaila, Laila and Lev!
Wed Jan 27 2010

Beatrix Potter Names: Jemima & Jeremy

From the charming world of Peter Rabbit, some sweet Victorian choices
Mon Jun 08 2009

Names Rescued from the Titanic

Some interesting names have survived from the 1912 passenger list of the ill-fated ship.
Mon Jun 01 2009

Baby Girl Names from Ancient Rome

Although they’ve been around for ages, many of the girls’ names from Roman times are still fresh and appealing today.