Grandma Names: The Ultimate Guide
We're living in the golden age of grandma names. Today, there are hundreds of names for grandmothers to choose from beyond the typical grandma names like Grandma and Granny.
Modern grandma names are creative choices that reflect style, personality, and identity. These days, you'll find grandmas answering to names like Pippa, Gogo, and Sunny!
An increasingly popular option is for grandmas to go by their first names, as celebrity grandmas Martha Stewart, Anna Wintour, and Caitlyn Jenner do with their grandchildren.
Read on for our advice on choosing a grandma name and see our collection of 200+ grandma names below. Be sure to check out our guide to grandpa names, too!
How to Pick a Grandma Name
There's a lot to consider when choosing a grandma name. Would you prefer a traditional grandma name or a modern grandma name — i.e. should it sound like a grandma name or not? What's your grandma personality, and do you want your grandma name to reflect that? Do you want a grandma name with ties to your cultural identity?
Our lists below can help you find a grandma name to suit your style, but keep in mind that the grandma name you choose may not be the grandma name that sticks! Young children have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds — because of this, some grandma names take on lives of their own. A child who can't pronounce Sweetie may end up using Cece instead.
Grandma names that are low-risk for evolving are vowel-heavy and use consonants that develop early, like B, M, P, D, T, N, and G — think Nana, Mimi, Dottie, or Boo. L and R are slower-developing consonants, so names with those letters may be more likely to be mispronounced by your grandchild.
Classic Grandma Names
Classic grandma names are traditional choices that generations of children have called their grandmothers. Grandma, of course, is the most classic grandma name, but millions of grandmothers have gone by names like Nana, Grammy, Granny, and Gram as well.
Here, the most traditional grandma names.
1. Gam Gam
2. Gan Gan
3. Gammie
4. G-ma
5. Grandma
6. Grandmom
7. Grandmother
8. Gram
9. Gram Gram
10. Grammy or Grammie
11. Gran
12. Gran Gran
13. Granny or Grannie
14. Mamaw
15. Memaw or Meemaw
16. Nan
17. Nana
18. Nanny
19. Nonna
Sassy Grandma Names
Sassy grandma names are for the spunky, fun grandmas who want modern grandma names to match their personalities. Glamma or Glam-Ma is a popular choice today, a hybrid of the words "glamorous" and "grandma".
Other sassy grandma names include word names like Queenie, Diva, Sugar, or even Sassy itself. Or try a modern grandma name with repeating sounds, such as Gigi, Mimi, or Zozo.
20. Amba
21. Ammy
22. Barbie
23. Biddy
24. Boo
25. BunBun
26. ChaCha
27. Crumpet
28. Diva
29. Dovie or Dovey
30. Fancy
31. Gamma
32. Gigi
33. Glamma
34. Golly
35. Goofy
36. Granna
37. Gugi or Googi
38. Hopie
39. Jelly
40. Kitten
41. Leelee
42. Lucky
43. Lula
44. Marmee or Marmie
45. Meems
46. Mia
47. Mimi
48. Minnow
49. Missy
50. Momo
51. Moo
52. Mozie or Mozey
53. Nono
54. Mumsy
55. Ona
56. Pippa
57. Queenie
58. Sassy
59. Sugar
60. Taffy
61. Tippi
62. Toffee
63. Zippy
64. Zozo
65. Zuzie
Cute Grandma Names
Cute grandma names have adorable imagery — think Bubbles and Bunny — and may also be terms of endearment, like Darling or Sweetie. Many cute grandma names are also names that mean sweet, such as Honey and Cookie.
Celebrities who use cute grandma names include Kris Jenner, who is known as Lovey to her grandkids, and Susan Sarandon, who goes by Honey.
66. Amma
67. Bambi
68. Birdie or Birdy
69. Bitsy
70. Boo Boo
71. Bubbles
72. Bunny
73. Cookie
74. Darling
75. Dearie or Deary
76. Dolly
77. Giddy
78. Giggles
79. Goldie
80. Gooey
81. Gooma or Guma
82. Gummy or Gummie
83. Gushy
84. Honey
85. Huggy or Huggie
86. Kitty
87. Lilo
88. Lolly or Lollie
89. Lovey or Lovie
90. Lulie
91. Mamie
92. May May or Mae Mae
93. Mushy
94. Nemy
95. Noni or Nonni
96. Ommy
97. Peaches
98. Peppy
99. Pimmy or Pimmie
100. Pinkie or Pinky
101. Poppet
102. Sissy
103. Sundae or Sunday
104. Sweetie
105. Tiny
106. Tootsie
107. Totty
108. Zazie
109. Zuzu
Cool Grandma Names
You're not a regular grandma, you're a cool grandma! And cool grandmas need cool grandma names. You may choose a cool word to be your grandma name, such as Groovy or Peachy, or a hybrid name like Grancy (grandma + fancy) or Glammy (glamorous + grammy).
110. Audie
111. Bebe or Bibi
112. Belle
113. Candy
114. Coco
115. Dottie or Dotty
116. Fifi
117. Gabby or Gabbie
118. Gidget
119. Glammy or Glammie
120. Gogi
121. Goma
122. Grancy or Granci
123. Groovy
124. Gumma
125. Happy
126. Juju
127. Lala
128. Lita
129. Lolo
130. Lulu
131. Lunie
132. Mamoo
133. Mellow
134. Merry
135. Mimzy
136. Moa
137. Mom-Mom
138. Nim
139. Noonoo or Nunu
140. Peachy
141. Peppa
142. Pippi or Pippy
143. Soma
144. Sunny
145. Tetty
146. Tibby
147. Two-Mom
148. Zeldy or Zeldie
149. Zeze
Badass Grandma Names
Badass grandma names are rock-and-roll choices that sound like anything but grandma names. Why be Grandma when you could be called Chili, Gaga, or Pink?
150. Babs
151. Beanie
152. Blondie
153. Busy or Bizzie
154. Cece or Cici
155. Chili
156. Dede or Didi
157. Dot
158. Foxy
159. Gaga
160. Gila
161. Gogo
162. Grandmama
163. Immy
164. Jazzy or Jazzie
165. Kiki
166. Lalo
167. Lela
168. Lil
169. Lillemor
170. Lopa
171. Luna
172. Madonna
173. Mame
174. Maxi or Maxie
175. Minnie
176. Momsy or Momsie
177. MooMoo
178. Moxie
179. Mumza
180. Nuni
181. Pepita
182. Pink
183. Pipsa
184. Pixie
185. Queen
186. Sparkle
187. Sukie or Suki
188. Teeny
189. TeeTee
190. Tita
191. Vogue
192. Zaza or ZsaZsa
193. Zusa
Grandma in Other Languages
Other names for grandma come from international languages. Learn the Spanish name for grandma, the Irish name for grandma, and more in our collection of international grandma names.
Afrikaans: Ouma
Arabic: Jadati
Armenian: Medzmama or Tatik
Basque: Amona
Bulgarian and Crotian: Baba
Cantonese Chinese: Popo (maternal) or MaaMaa (paternal)
Catalan: Ávia
Danish and Swedish: Mormor (maternal) or Farmor (paternal)
Dutch and German: Oma
Filipino: Lola
Finnish: Mummo
Flemish: Bomma
French: Grandmère
French-Canadian: Mémé
Greek: Yiayia or Yaya
Hawaiian: Tutu or Kuku
Hebrew: Savta or Safta
Hindi: Daadee
Icelandic: Amma
Irish: Mamó or Móraí
Italian: Nonna, Nonnina, or Nonni
Japanese: Oba-chan or Sobo
Korean: Halmeoni
Lithuanian: Senelė
Malagasy: Bebe
Malay and Indonesian: Nenek
Mandarin Chinese: Lao lao (maternal) or Nǎinai (paternal)
Māori: Kuia
Mongolian: Emee
Norwegian: Bestemor
Polish: Babcia
Portuguese: Avó or Vovó
Russian: Babushka
Samoan: Tinamatua
Serbian: Baka
Shona: Ambuya
Slovak: Babka
Slovenian: Babica
Somali: Ayeeyo
Spanish: Abuela or Abuelita
Sudanese: Nini
Swahili: Bibi
Ukrainian: Babusya
Vietnamese: Bà
Welsh: Nain
Yiddish: Bubbe
Zulu: Ugogo or Gogo