Top Lockdown Names Are Simple, International, and Heroic
Lockdown names – baby names favored by parents during the past three months of global quarantine – share three distinct qualities. They’re simple, they’re international, and they’re inspired by heroes.
In an analysis of Nameberry’s Top 500 names for the past three months of global lockdown, we found 82 that attracted at least 20 percent more views than statistically expected. Nearly all of the top lockdown names are sleek and simple, internationally diverse, or connected to a strong heroic figure, trends we expect to continue after the lockdown ends.
The very top lockdown names, like Number 1 Luna, carry all three of those qualities. An uncomplicated four letters, Luna is the Latin word for moon, charts highly in a range of countries from Spain to Sweden, and is the name of a Roman goddess.
The Number 2 quarantine name Maeve is the one-syllable name of an Irish warrior queen.
The top lockdown name for boys is the Italian Enzo, a variation of the German Henry, which means “estate ruler.” The straightforward Enzo is mega-popular in Spain and France and is quickly climbing the charts in England and the US.
Simple Names
During these difficult times, it makes sense that parents are attracted to sleek, short, simple names. Why complicate life further with a name that’s complicated to spell or pronounce or write?
The simple names winning high marks during the lockdown period are:
International Names
Our global consciousness has been heightened during the pandemic, as citizens all over the world face the same dangers and strictures. The international names gaining popularity among our readers have distinctly non-English roots but have found favor in many Western cultures.
Heroic Names
Names of mythological heroes have been gaining in popularity in recent years but have really taken off during the pandemic. Names of ancient and modern heroes along with those that have powerful meanings may help arm a child born during these difficult times with enduring strength.
Names with Positive Meanings
A handful of names taking off in popularity during the lockdown are appealing because of their inspirational meanings or symbolism. These are:
Finally, there are two names exploding in popularity on Nameberry that you can take as ironic or a dark joke.
One is Lucifer, which has the uplifting meaning of “light-bearer” but the dark association of being the name of the archangel cast into hell.
And the other, of course, is Corona.