Old Testament Names

Old Testament Names

Old Testament names come from the first few dozen books of the Bible — occurring prior to the birth of Jesus. While historically Old Testament names were commonly used by Christian and Jewish families, many of the Isaacs, Ashers, and Samuels born today do not necessarily come from religious upbringings.

The most popular Old Testament names for boys in the US are currently Noah, Elijah, Benjamin, and Levi. For girls, Naomi, Hannah, Leah, and Delilah are most popular.

Some Old Testament names popular on Nameberry include Cyrus, Ezra, Gideon, and Reuben for boys, and Esther, Miriam, Eve, and Ruth for girls.

Unique Old Testament boy names that are outside of the Top 1000 include short and snappy Omri, Boaz, Jethro, and Zimri, or longer and rhythmic Obadiah, Zebulon, Benaiah, and Mordecai.

Unique Old Testament girl names ranking outside the Top 1000 include short and sweet Adah, Vashti, Dinah, and Zillah, as well as longer but equally spunky options like Zipporah, Athaliah, Keziah, and Abijah.

If you're looking for a name that is classic and timeless, or if you like a fun and fresh vintage revival names, here is our full list of Old Testament names, organized by their current rank on Nameberry.


Biblical Names

New Testament Names

  1. Asher
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate, blessed, happy one"
    • Description:

      Asher—an excellent, soft and sensitive Old Testament choice—is a baby boy name on the rise, and is a Nameberry biblical favorite.
  2. Ezra
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Ezra has a lot going for it: the strength of its heroic Biblical legacy, its quirky sound, and its fresh but familiar feel. Ezra is now at its highest point ever, but its intuitive streamlined spelling and deep roots could make it a worth successor to Elijah in the Top 10 -- or even to Liam or Noah at Number 1.
  3. Noah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rest, repose"
    • Description:

      Noah is nearly a patriarch of popular baby names at this point, going from Old Testament graybeard to Top 10 name in 2009, hitting Number 1 in 2013, and now settled into second place in the US for the past seven years.
  4. Elias
    • Origin:

      Greek variation of Elijah, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "Yahweh is God"
    • Description:

      Strong, charismatic, and sleek, Elias has followed in the footsteps of Elijah and Eli to become a popular choice among parents today.
  5. Levi
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "joined, attached"
    • Description:

      Levi, lighter and more energetic than most biblical names, with its up vowel ending, combines Old Testament gravitas with the casual flair associated with Levi Strauss jeans.
  6. Cyrus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Cyrus is one of those surprising names that have always ranked among the Top 1000 boy names in the US. On an upward trend since the mid-90s, Cyrus now sits in that comfortable place between too popular and too unusual.
  7. Isaac
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Isaac has shaved off his biblical beard and leaped into the upper echelon of popular boys' names, outrunning cousin Isaiah. A favorite of the Puritans, Isaac has never dipped below Number 400 on the US list of top boy names.
  8. Elijah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "Yahweh is God"
    • Description:

      The Top 10 boys' name Elijah is derived from the Hebrew name Eliyahu, composed of the elements ’el and yah, both of which refer to God. In the Old Testament, Elijah was the prophet who went to heaven in a chariot of fire, a story sure to inspire any young Elijah.
  9. Micah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "who is like the Lord"
    • Description:

      The bright, playful Micah feels like the middle ground between the safe, solid qualities of Michael and the flair and energy of Luca. Both Biblical and stylish, Micah is proving popular among parents today.
  10. Delilah
    • Origin:

      Hebrew or Arabic
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Melodic and lively, Delilah has cut itself (mostly) free from its treacherous past to become a contemporary favorite.
  11. Caleb
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "dog; whole heart"
    • Description:

      Caleb is an attractive Old Testament name that has been in the US Top 100 for nearly three decades now. Consistently popular but never too popular, Caleb feels more like a classic than a momentary trend.
  12. Simon
    • Origin:

      Hebrew, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "he has heard; flat-nosed"
    • Description:

      Simon is pure and simple (not in the nursery rhyme sense), and an appealingly genuine Old and New Testament name that's not overused. These factors make Simon a stylish yet classic choice.
  13. Samuel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "told by God"
    • Description:

      Samuel has been so popular for so long that it's hard to believe it's still climbing, at its highest point since the 1890s.
  14. Benjamin
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of the right hand"
    • Description:

      Benjamin is a biblical name that has enjoyed widespread favor for decades, ranking in the US Top 50 for almost half a century and the Top 10 from 2015 until 2023.
  15. Eli
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "ascended, uplifted, high"
    • Description:

      With its sharp, succinct sounds and cool, laidback style, Eli is a popular choice among parents today. Compact and punchy, it is a Biblical name with plenty of charm.
  16. Jonah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Jonah, the name of the Old Testament prophet who was swallowed by the whale, only to emerge unharmed three days later, is increasingly appreciated by parents looking for a biblical name less common than Jacob or Joshua, yet not too obscure. Plus, Jonah comes with a ready-made nursery-decorating motif.
  17. David
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      David is an enduring worldwide classic, used from ancient times to the present day.
  18. Asa
    • Origin:

      Hebrew; Japanese
    • Meaning:

      "healer; born in the morning"
    • Description:

      A short but strong biblical name with multicultural appeal, Asa is enjoying new visibility thanks to hot young actor Asa Butterfield of Hugo fame.
  19. Daniel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "God is my judge"
    • Description:

      Daniel is one of only a handful of male names that sounds both classic and modern, strong yet approachable, and popular but not cliched. It also has a solid Old Testament pedigree. The only real downside: There are about 10,000 Daniels named each year, making it a less than distinctive choice.
  20. Naomi
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Naomi was once a primarily Jewish name from the Old Testament that referenced the mother-in-law of Ruth. Because of this, it is a symbolic name given to girls on Shavuot when the story of Ruth is read in the synagogue.