Names That Mean Surprise

Names That Mean Surprise

Names that mean surprise are perfect for your unexpected miracle baby. These names may have meanings such as "surprise", "wonder", "miracle", "marvel", or "luck".

Girl names that mean surprise include well-known choices like Felicity and Mirabel, as well as unique choices like Zada, Onneli, Shreya, and Marivel.

Boy names that mean surprise include favorites like Felix, Asher, and Isaac, as well as Rune, Fausto, Raziah, and Ayman.

Word names with fitting meanings include Wonder, Marvel, Serendipity, and Miracle.

The names on this list are ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry.


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Baby Names A-Z

  1. Felix
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "happy, fortunate"
    • Description:

      Felix is one of those ancient but nontraditional names for boys that have come into favor over the past few decades, a favorite of parents who want a masculine name with history and heft that breaks ranks with the standard Franks and Freds. Felix is also an international darling, ranking in the Top 100 in several European and English-speaking countries.
  2. Asher
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate, blessed, happy one"
    • Description:

      Asher—an excellent, soft and sensitive Old Testament choice—is a baby boy name on the rise, and is a Nameberry biblical favorite.
  3. Isaac
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Isaac has shaved off his biblical beard and leaped into the upper echelon of popular boys' names, outrunning cousin Isaiah. A favorite of the Puritans, Isaac has never dipped below Number 400 on the US list of top boy names.
  4. Felicity
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "good fortune, happy"
    • Description:

      Felicity is as accessible a virtue name as Hope and Faith, but much more feminine -- and dare we say, happier. The hit TV show did a lot to soften and modernize the once buttoned-up image of Felicity, and it got further notice as the red-haired Colonial doll, Felicity Merriman, in the American Girl series. A current bearer is actress Felicity Huffman.
  5. Boone
    • Origin:

      English from French
    • Meaning:

      "blessing, lucky"
    • Description:

      Boone is one of the advancing herd of lean and lanky cowboy names with a laid-back, backwoods, Western feel—and surprising French roots. It's inevitably linked with legendary frontiersman Daniel, and also with the positive connotations of the word boon. It debuted in the US Top 1000 in 2015.
  6. Rune
    • Origin:

      German and Swedish
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Name with connotations both mystical and tragic, newly popular in Europe. For English speakers, though, this name might be ruined by its homonym ruin.
  7. Faustina
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate one"
    • Description:

      A name with several distinguished namesakes: the wife of ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, a famous Italian opera singer, and two Catholic saints--making it both substantial and unusual.
  8. Miranda
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Miranda, a shimmeringly lovely, poetic name that was invented by Shakespeare for the beautiful and admirable young heroine of his play, The Tempest, is still a recommended choice even though its popularity peaked in the 1990's, partially as an antidote to Amanda. But while Amanda now sounds dated, Miranda retains a good measure of its charm.
  9. Asher
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate, blessed, happy one"
    • Description:

      Asher is of course a very popular Biblical boys' name, but Australian actress Asher Keddie puts this in the girls' column too. Nearly 70 baby girls were named Asher in one recent year, about 1 percent of the total babies given the name. But if you've always loved Ashley and fear that now it's outdated, you might look to Asher as a worthy substitute.
  10. Mirabelle
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      If you're looking for a fresher belle name than Isabelle, Mirabelle is lovely, and we also like the extra flourish of Mirabella. And if you want a nature tie, Mirabelle is also the name of a delicate French plum.
  11. Faust
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate one"
    • Description:

      Because the legendary Faust sold his soul to the devil, few parents would choose this for a child, although Fausto is commonly heard in Italy and Spain.
  12. Mirabel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Mirabel is one of those names that's not on the Top 1000 but ought to be, and undoubtedly will be soon following the release of Disney's 2021 Encanto. Mirabel is the film's quirky and highly relatable heroine. Mirabel had a significant rise in 2022, going from 34 births in 2021 to 153 births in 2022. Read more about Mirabel and other Disney Princess Names in our featured blog.
  13. Felicia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A lacy, lucky name very popular in the Hispanic community a decade ago, less so now.
  14. Lucky
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "having good fortune"
    • Description:

      Recently chosen by singer Elle King for her son. Lucky is a name that could see a considerable rise in the near future, as word names continue to heat up.
  15. Runa
    • Origin:

      Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Japanese
    • Meaning:

      "secret lore; moon"
    • Description:

      A strong and stylish alternative to the super-fashionable Luna, with a double background as a Scandinavian and Japanese name. It's the female form of the Nordic male name Rune, meaning "secret lore", and also a Japanese name meaning "moon" – making this an undiscovered celestial choice.
  16. Mirabella
    • Origin:

      Italian variation of Mirabelle
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The short-lived magazine edited by former Vogue chief Grace Mirabella put this beautiful name off-limits for a while, but now it's perfectly fit to join the fashionable Bella pantheon. More distinctive than Isabella.
  17. Ayan
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The African name Ayan was first seen on the US Top 1000 for boys in 2014. It's both simple and distinctive, a winning combination.
  18. Kota
    • Origin:

      Japanese, Indian, Native American
    • Meaning:

      "happiness; good fortune; fort; allies, friends"
    • Description:

      Concise and cool, Kota is a name with multiple origins, making it a versatile choice that travels well.
  19. Felice
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Felix is rising in the chart for boys, and its feminine variations are sure to follow. The best knows these days, thanks to the TV character, is Felicity, but there's also Felicia and Felice. Like Lucia, Felice is a name with different pronunciations depending on where it's used. The Italians pronounce it fa-LEECH-ay, but the Americanized version is feh-LEESE.
  20. Onni
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "happiness, luck"
    • Description:

      Onni is the Number 1 boy's name in Finland yet largely unknown in the English-speaking world. Its uplifting meaning makes it a plausible possibility if you want to honor your Nordic heritage.