Watch us on Shark Tank on January 31 at 8 pm on ABC.The future of Nameberry is coming.

313 Girl Names That End in een, ene, or ine

  1. Perline
    • Imagine
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Meaning:

        "to form a mental image"
      • Description:

        If you like such uplifting New Age word names as Peace and Justice, the evocative and pretty Imagine should definitely be on your short list.
    • Nazrene
      • Origin:

        Latin, Greek
      • Meaning:

        "resident of Nazareth"
      • Description:

        A Christian name drawn from the city of Nazareth and the Nazrenes, followers of Jesus.
    • Carleen
      • Ayleen
        • Origin:

          Variation of Aileen or Ayla
        • Description:

          The rise of Ayla seems to have revived this variation.
      • Pleasantine
        • Origin:

        • Description:

          A highly unusual Euro-chic virtue name, borne by Canadian cell biologist Dr Pleasantine Mill and American building design writer Pleasantine Drake. There is also a novel called Aunt Pleasantine by American author Ruth Doan MacDougall.
      • Virgine
        • Waldine
          • Roseline
            • Origin:

              French variation of Rosalind
            • Meaning:

              "supple horse; pretty rose"
            • Description:

              The French form of the elegant Rosalind and the name of a 13th century saint. It was particularly popular in its native France during the 1950s, while currently, it is most popular in Haiti, Kenya, and Nigeria. One notable bearer is Roseline Éloissaint, a Haitian footballer.
          • Lorene
            • Zelene
              • Earlene
                • Origin:

                  Feminine form of Earl, English aristocratic title
                • Description:

                  Earlene is even more out of style than Earl. These are among the names that have not been revived ala the Hundred Year Rule.
              • Jessaline
                • Ardine
                  • Ygraine
                    • Origin:

                      Literary name
                    • Description:

                      The name of the mother of King Arthur and Morgan le Fay in English legend. The Ygraine spelling was used in the BBC television series Merlin. Other forms of the name include Latin Igerna, French Igerne, and Welsh Eigyr.
                  • Erine
                    • Agrippine
                      • Elbertine
                        • Orsaline
                          • Jadeen