Nameberry's Favorite Mythological Names

Nameberry's Favorite Mythological Names

If you're hoping to see names like Freya and Apollo on this list of Nameberry's favorite mythological names, keep moving. It's not that we don't love those names — we do! — but here we're isolating names that rank inside the Nameberry Top 1000, yet outside the US Top 1000.

For those of you searching for under-the-radar mythology names, you're in the right place. While names like Athena and Atlas are now mainstream, names like Aeneas and Astraea, Ragnar and Ravi are ripe for discovery.

Here you'll find god and goddess names from Greek and Roman mythology, along with Irish, Welsh, Hindu, and Norse legends.

Our favorite mythological names listed here are ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry.


Mythological Names

Nameberry's Favorite Names

Popular Names on Nameberry

  1. Zephyr
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "west wind"
    • Description:

      If you're looking for a name that's light and breezy, this could be it. A name from mythology: Zephyrus/Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind, and with its similarity in sound to the likes of Stefan or Seth, its zippy Z initial and cool Y, it is primed to rise up the US charts.
  2. Nyx
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      In Greek mythology, Nyx was a powerful goddess and the embodiment of the night, but when spoken, its negative meaning can't be ignored.
  3. Ariadne
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "most holy"
    • Description:

      This name of the Cretan goddess of fertility is most popular now as the more melodic Ariana, but Ariadne has possibilities of its own. It first entered the US Top 1000 in 2014. The renewed interest in the name falls in line with the revival of other mythological names like Apollo and Athena. The trendy nickname Ari doesn't hurt either.
  4. Guinevere
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "white shadow, white wave"
    • Description:

      Guinevere was the name of the beautiful but ill-fated queen of Camelot, for so many years eclipsed by its modern Cornish form Jennifer. Today, Guinevere could be a cool possibility for adventurous parents intrigued by this richly evocative and romantic choice.
  5. Niamh
    • Origin:

      Irish Gaelic
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Niamh, derived from the Old Irish Niam, is an ancient Irish name that was originally a term for a goddess. In Irish myth, one who bore it was Niamh of the Golden Hair, daughter of the sea god, who falls in love with Finn's son Oisin and takes him to the Land of Promise, where they stayed for three hundred years. Niamh can be Anglicized as Neve, Nieve, or Neave.
  6. Gaia
    • Origin:

      Greek and Latin
    • Meaning:

      "earth mother; rejoicing"
    • Description:

      Floral, bright, and subtly powerful, Gaia is a name with two separate origins. In Greek mythology, it is the name of the earth goddess and the universal mother, who takes her epithet from the Ancient Greek word for land or ground. It was this ecological element that led actress Emma Thompson to choose it for her daughter back in 1999, and it could hold similar appeal to green minded parents today.
  7. Andromeda
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

      "advising like a man"
    • Description:

      One of the stellar unique baby names from mythology, Andromeda was the beautiful daughter of Cassiopeia who, like her mother, literally became a star--the constellation that bears her name.The Bohemian Andromeda makes a dramatic and adventurous choice in a time when four-syllable mythological names are gradually making their way into the mainstream.
  8. Dion
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Dionysius, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "child of heaven and earth; of Zeus"
    • Description:

      A variation of Greek Dionysius, itself derived from the name of the god of wine, revelry, and dance, Dion gives a nod to mythology while also having historical ties to a student of Plato, to a Greek mathematician and to 1st century writer and historian.

      As a contemporary name, it came into popular use in the late 1950s and remained in the Top 1000 until 2006. It has dipped in and out of the charts since then, and is still given to a not insignificant 200 boys each year.
  9. Cassiopeia
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

      "cassia juice"
    • Description:

      Cassiopeia, the name of a mythological mother who became a stellar constellation, is challenging but intriguing, and has all those softening Cass nicknames available. And with all names Cass-related trending, Cassiopeia may be an unusual route to a stylish name.
  10. Pandora
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "all gifted"
    • Description:

      Pandora has occasionally been used by the British gentry (for girls with brothers who might be called Peregrine) and is now starting to be heard in the US too: It was given to 34 baby girls last year.
  11. Artemis
    • Origin:

      Greek, diminutive of Artemios
    • Meaning:

      "safe; butcher"
    • Description:

      Best known as the the Greek Goddess of the hunt and the moon, Artemis could now be considered one of the few traditionally feminine names that are currently being used for boys. Alternatively though, when pronounced ahr-TEH-mis, it is a valid Greek masculine name – a diminutive of Artemios.
  12. Minerva
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "of the mind, intellect"
    • Description:

      Minerva is the long-neglected name of the Roman goddess of wisdom and invention, the arts and martial strength, one of the mythology names for girls that might appeal to adventurous feminist parents. With Juno and Jupiter, she made the Capitoline triad, whose worship was at the very center of Roman religion.
  13. Circe
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      In Greek myth, Circe, daughter of Helios, the sun, was a sorceress living on the island of Aeaea, who could turn men into animals with her magic wand, which is just what she did to Odysseus's crew in Homer's Odyssey, transforming them into swine. All was forgiven, however, as Circe and Odysseus later had a child together—Telegonus.
  14. Ragnar
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "warrior or judgment"
    • Description:

      An fearsome old Norse name with a long history in Scandinavia. It's gotten a boost in the States from popularity of the History Channel drama "Vikings," in which the protagonist is named Ragnar. Ragnar Lodbrok (meaning "shaggy pants") was a legendary warrior whose story was told in the Viking sagas. Ragnar also recalls name of the Norse Judgment Day, Ragnarök.
  15. Abraxas
    • Origin:

      Persian mythology name
    • Description:

      Abraxas is a sci-fi-sounding name with earthly possibilities, but some playground challenges.
  16. Astraea
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "of the stars"
    • Description:

      Astraea —also found as Astraia — is the Greek goddess of justice and innocence who left earth to become the constellation Virgo after she grew unhappy with the state of humanity. She was prophesised to return and begin a new Golden Age, meaning she is associated with renewal — and with Queen Elizabeth I of England thanks to Renaissance writers associating her with the goddess.
  17. Remus
    • Origin:

      Latin, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      Remus is one of the legendary twins who, with brother Romulus, founded Rome. An unusual yet classic name for the extremely adventurous who can put aside the stereotyped image of Uncle Remus. Though because of that "ream" first syllable, we prefer Romulus.
  18. Ione
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "violet flower"
    • Description:

      This unusual Greek flower and color name has gained considerable recent attention via actress Ione Skye, who is the daughter of sixties folksinger Donovan.
  19. Orpheus
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

      "the darkness of the night"
    • Description:

      Name of the legendary ancient Greek poet and musician — whose music was so beautiful it made trees dance and rivers stop to listen — would provide a child with a challenging but indelible identity.
  20. Calista
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "most beautiful"
    • Description:

      Spelled with either one 'l' or two, Calista came to the fore in 1997 when Calista Flockhart hit it big as Ally McBeal. Flockhart, who bears her mother's middle name, didn't just introduce a name, she introduced a whole sensibility. Pretty and delicate, Calista is definitely worthy of consideration, especially for parents with Greek roots.