200+ Compound Girl Names
- Aubreyanne
Compound name, English, FrenchMeaning:
"elf ruler + grace"Description:
A compound name, blending modern feeling Aubrey with the classic Anne.
- Islamae
Combination of Isla and MaeMeaning:
"island + drop in the sea; island + beloved"Description:
This cutesy but breezy spin on Isla has ranked in the Top 500 in England and Wales, and we think it has legs on the other side of the Atlantic too.
- Jobeth
Combination of Jo and BethDescription:
A Jo-plus name that sprang up in the 1940s.
- Stellouise
Compound name of Stella and LouiseMeaning:
"renowned warrior"Description:
A poetic sounding compound name, that could mean "renowned warrior of the stars".
- Analuisa
Compound name, blending Ana and LuisaMeaning:
"grace + renowned warrior"Description:
This pretty compound name uses the Spanish variations of Anna and Louisa to create a light but powerful name. Artist Analuisa Corrigan, who is in a relationship with actor Logan Lerman might have drawn attention to the name, which climbed more than 7000 places in the US stats between 2022 and 2023. Ana Luisa is also a jewellery brand, which again might have brought the name into the spotlight.
- Nisanur
Turkish from ArabicMeaning:
"light of the women"Description:
A Turkish compound of the Arabic names Nisa and Nur. It also appears on the Turkish Top 100 as a double-barreled first name, Nisa Nur.
- Belissa
Modern invented nameDescription:
Combination of sounds from Bella / Belinda and Melissa. The counterpart to Melinda, if you will.
- Maricruz
Spanish compound name, combining Maria and CruzMeaning:
"Mary of the cross"Description:
Maricruz combines Maria and Cruz into a devotional name for the Virgin Mary. The name peaked in the 90s and early 2000s, popularized by Mexican actress Maricruz Olivier and the Mexican telenova Quinceañera (Sweet 15) which featured a character called Maricruz.
- Mistelle
Modern invented nameDescription:
Mistelle is a modern invention combining Misty with the evergreen feminine suffix 'elle'. This name is occasionally seen in Australia.
- Joyann
Compound name, created from Joy and AnnMeaning:
"joy and grace"Description:
A cheerful twist on Joanne that's been in use since the 30s.
- Trulove
"true + love"Description:
Trulove calls to mind Medieval smoosh names like Lovejoy, but it's actually a brand-new addition to the collection of compound girl names
- Kendrix
Variation of Kendrick, English and ScottishMeaning:
"royal ruler, champion; home ruler"Description:
While Kendrix is predominantly used on boys — likely owing to its musical namesakes, Kendrick Lamar and Jimi Hendrix — the most noteworthy Kendrix (as yet) is in fact Kendrix Morgan, also known as the Pink Galaxy Ranger from the Power Rangers franchise.
- Emmadine
A compound name built on the popular classic Emma, this name belonged to one of the three cows who accompanied Richard E. Byrd to Antarctica, named for the farm in New York it came from. The farm, in turn, was named for its owner J. C. Penney's mother.
- Nashley
English, Modern InventionMeaning:
"from the ash tree meadow"Description:
A blend of the 90s favorite Ashley with the contemporary cowboy name, Nash, Nashley fits right in with on trend choices, such as Oakley, Kinsley, and Paisley. Italian rapper Nashley Rodighiero and creator and influencer Nashly Martinez are notable bearers of the name. Nashley more than doubled in popularity between 2022 and 2023, but spelling variation Nashly remained three times as popular.
- Mariajulia
Combination of Maria and JuliaMeaning:
"drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + youthful or sky father"Description:
A once popular choice in Spain, Mariajulia — or more often Maria Julia as a double first name — has since fallen out of favor. A notable bearer is model, dancer, and teacher, María Julia Mantilla García who won Miss World 2004. She uses the nickname "Maju" which has some of the sweetness, style, and unexpectedness of the French Lilou — and this might sell the name to some.
- Monalisa
Italian, combination of Mona and LisaMeaning:
"noble + God is my oath"Description:
Monalisa is a combination os Mona, meaning "noble good", and Lisa, meaning "god is my oath". This name is best associated with the famous painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.
- Angelanell
Compound name, blending Angela and EllenMeaning:
"Angel light"Description:
A combination of Angela and Ellen with a celestial meaning
- Zakyla
Combination name, blending Zachary and KylaMeaning:
"to remember + narrow spit of land"Description:
A feminization of the classic Zachary or a compound name that combines a pair of 90s or noughties names into something that sounds contemporary and in line with Delilah, Azaria, and Kaia.
- Elselijn
Dutch elaboration of Else or a combination of Elisabeth and Marjolijn, Karlijn or KatelijnMeaning:
"pledged to God; + marjoram, free man, or pure"Description:
Created by blending Else with the Dutch suffix -lijn, Elselijn is a pretty elaboration of the Elizabeth diminutive. Pronounced with a strong LINE sound, Elselijn is an appealing mix of daintiness and strength, with Elselien and Elseline being alternative spellings. A notable bearer is Dutch philosopher, Elselijn Kingma, born Elisabeth Marjolijn, making Elselijn a compound name too.
- Annemary
Compound name, combination of Anne and Mary, HebrewMeaning:
"grace and bitter"Description:
Annemary is a familiar yet unusual compound name reminiscent of more popular cousins Maryanne and Annemarie. Dutch model Annemary Aderibigbe gives it a welcome touch of glamour.