Aggressive Boy Names
- Havoc
English word nameMeaning:
"widespread destruction"Description:
This aggressive baby boy name has been sitting at the bottom of the charts since 2008.
- Army
Word name or variation of Armie, English from FrenchMeaning:
"military land force; soldier"Description:
A patriotic spin on Armie, with roughly the same meaning whether you consider it a variation or a totally separate word name.
- Cartel
English word nameMeaning:
Not a great idea to associate your newborn with drug lords.
- Hazard
"chance, luck"Description:
Chance has risen far on the baby-naming charts, but Hazard has a considerably more dangerous edge. It was the middle name of famed US naval commander Oliver Hazard Perry.
- Pilot
Occupational nameDescription:
One celebrity baby Pilot put this occupational choice into the pool -- together with the middle name Inspektor, something we wouldn't advise following.
- Stryker
Spelling variation of Striker, English word nameDescription:
Stryker adds the trendy letter Y to Striker to join the new gang of boys' names that have two syllables, end in -er, spring from words, and have a macho meaning and image.
- Payne
English or MapucheMeaning:
"villager, country-dweller; blue"Description:
The y helps a bit, but still a painful image.
- Bash
Diminutive of Sebastian, word nameMeaning:
"from Sebastia; party, hit, or endeavour"Description:
Self-assured and playful, Bash is a short form of the popular Sebastian, sharing the same energy as Dash, Colt, and Nash. It could work as a quirky, rough-and-tumble alternative to the more familiar nicknames Seb or Baz, or, for those looking for something unexpected and adventurous, it could be a stand alone choice.
- Warrior
"wage war"Description:
Could a child named Warrior be anything but fierce and willful? We count Warrior among our Magic Names, those that are chosen for their ability to influence and protect their bearers. We see Warrior rising significantly in the next few years, joining current favorites like Legend, Hero, and Saint.
- Rekker
Variation of WreckerMeaning:
"a person or thing that wrecks or damages something"Description:
Rekker comes to us thanks to actor Cam Gigandet, who gave his son this phonetic spelling of badass word name Wrecker. Use at your own peril.
- Alpha
Greek, first letter of the alphabetDescription:
Over 50 baby boys were named Alpha last year, along with eight baby girls. Expect a lifetime of "alpha male" jokes, which could prove daunting or confidence-building for your own little Alpha.
- Cutter
English occupational surnameMeaning:
"tailor, barber"Description:
Cutter was an old-fashioned term for a tailor or barber that was eventually adopted as a surname. That gives it more legitimacy than many of the other aggressive boy names — Striker, Shooter, Breaker, et al. — but Cutter remains equally threatening.
- Renegade
English word nameMeaning:
"defector; rebel"Description:
Could Renegade be the next Maverick? The rebellious meaning and fashionable nickname Ren make it a real possibility.
- Captain
English word nameMeaning:
"person in charge"Description:
A commanding word name that feels occupational like Miller, Palmer, and Shepherd, while also fitting in with ambitious choices like Legend, King, Major, Maverick, and Saint. Referring to someone who takes the lead and holds influence and responsibility, Captain has links to team sports, the military, seafaring, superheroes, and the police.
- Kaliber
Variation of Caliber, English word nameMeaning:
"ability level; diameter of a gun barrel"Description:
Spelling it with a K doesn't do much to separate Kaliber from Caliber's violent image.
- Kick
Dutch form of Christopher or English word nameDescription:
This Dutch nickname has been in use for hundreds of years in the Netherlands, and is as energetic as they come. Of course, the jokes practically write themselves.
- Brazen
English word nameMeaning:
A new, rising word name for boys that has the advantage of sharing sounds with more common names like Bryson and Braydon. And the disadvantage of getting confused with them.
- Grit
English word nameMeaning:
"strength of character"Description:
Grit became a buzzword in the 2010s, thanks to both the 2010 film True Grit and psychologist Angela Duckworth's 2016 book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perserverance. The book, based on Duckworth's research, attributes success to grittiness. Clearly, the message stuck with parents, as Grit debuted as a name for boys in 2021.
- Raider
English word nameMeaning:
"a marauder"Description:
Raider is one of the new genre of badass word names, which also includes Rogue, Rebel, Danger, Wilder, and so on. Choose it at your own peril.
- Kaos
Variation of Chaos, English word nameMeaning:
"disorder and confusion"Description:
A turbulent bad boy name, no matter how you spell it.