Ancient Girl Names

  1. Atarah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This name of a minor character in the Old Testament, also spelled Atara, has a softly pleasing sound. In the Old Testament, Atarah was a descendant of Judah.
  2. Itzel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rainbow lady"
    • Description:

      This name, stemming from the Mayan mythological figure of the Rainbow Lady, is a surprising pop hit, primarily among Hispanic parents.
  3. Lucretia
    • Origin:

      Latin, female form of Lucretius, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      A pretty and plausible Latin name that's gotten a bad rap through the years via a link to Lucrezia Borgia, who, though long considered a demon poisoner, was actually a patron of learning and the arts.
  4. Drusilla
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Drusilla is an ancient Roman name, (probably) borne by descendants of Antony and Cleopatra, and is one of the 'illa' names that are ready for a comeback, especially with its cute short form Dru.
  5. Junia
    • Origin:

      Latin, Feminine variation of Junius
    • Meaning:

      "born in June"
    • Description:

      Juno is hot, June is showing signs of a comeback along with other month and day names, whereas Junia, the name of the the first century Christian referred to by the apostle Paul as an apostle (and who may have been male), is yet to be discovered.
  6. Aphra
    • Origin:

      Hebrew, variation of Aphrah
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Aphra would make an interesting choice-- especially since it's the name of the first professional female writer in English, the seventeenth century's Aphra Behn. Born in 1640, she was a prolific dramatist of the English Restoration, and a spy.
  7. Aeliana
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This female form of the ancient Latin Aelian has an appealing sound, though kids might have a hard time handling that initial "ae" spelling. Just remember that the "ae" is pronounced "ee" (think Aesop's fables).The Annals of Aeliana is a children's fantasy series by Ryan Watters. The meaning is uncertain but is thought to derive from the Greek helios, which means sun.
  8. Hadassah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "myrtle tree"
    • Description:

      This Hebrew name of Queen Esther is well used in Israel (especially for girls born around the holiday of Purim), and in the US is the name of a Zionist women's philanthropic organization. Formerly shunned as hyper-religious, this name entered the Top 1000 in 2007 and has since climbed into the Top 700. Nickname Haddie feels like a natural companion for Addie and Maddie.
  9. Silvia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from the woods"
    • Description:

      This original form of the name -- the more familiar Sylvia spelling came later -- seems more modern now.
  10. Flavia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "golden, blond"
    • Description:

      An ancient Roman clan name, Flavia is one choice that's unusual but historic. Now a Top 60 name in Italy, Flavia has been a rarity in the US, but with the upswing in F names for girls, this could change. Seen more in literature than real life, Flavia was used as far back as an1580 romance, then in a William Dean Howells novel and as a Princess in The Prisoner of Zenda. Although the original pronunciation is FLAH-via, Flavie (as in flavor) could make a cute nickname.
  11. Felicia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A lacy, lucky name very popular in the Hispanic community a decade ago, less so now.
  12. Marilla
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "shining sea"
    • Description:

      Marilla is a names that's familiar via its resemblance to Mary and variations, but also distinctive: It hasn't been on the Top 1000 since the 1800s and was given to only 27 baby girls last year.
  13. Athalia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "the Lord is exalted"
    • Description:

      Athalia was an Old Testament daughter of Jezebel and a king's powerful wife with a gory history. You don't wanna know -- and you probably don't wanna name your kid after her either. Pretty name, though, and one that's in step with the current fashions for A beginnings and endings as well as for distinctive names with deep roots. Atalia is a simplified spelling..
  14. Laelia
    • Origin:

      Latin family name and botanical name
    • Description:

      Upside: it has an interesting ancient look and feel, related to the Roman family name Laelius of uncertain meaning. There is also a type of orchid called the Laelia. Downside: possible confusion with all those Laylas, Lailas, etc. out there.
  15. Abelia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "sigh, breath"
    • Description:

      This feminine form of Abel is also a flower name and makes a distinctive alternative to the widely used Abigail. There is a similar name, Adelia, that is beginning to be rediscovered thanks to the trend for all names Adel- related.
  16. Kamala
    • Origin:

      Hindi, Hawaiian
    • Meaning:

      "lotus or pale red; or, a garden"
    • Description:

      A multicultural name that manages to sound soft and strong at the same time, Kamala is also another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
  17. Anahita
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anahita is the name of the water goddess who rules, among other things, fertility and wisdom. Associated with Venue, Anahita is a stylish Iranian name for girls.
  18. Faustina
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate one"
    • Description:

      A name with several distinguished namesakes: the wife of ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, a famous Italian opera singer, and two Catholic saints--making it both substantial and unusual.
  19. Tulsi
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Tulsi is more than a simple nature name: The holy basil plant is sacred in the Hindu religion, used to honor the god Vishnu and representative of his consort, the goddess Tulsi. The Tulsi plant is often planted in Hindu houses and is used for medicinal as well as ritualistic purposes.
  20. Mahala
    • Origin:

      Hebrew and Arabic
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      An interesting and rhythmic name often heard in the Native American community; in fact,in the Gold Rush era in California and Nevada, it was so common that it became a generic English term for a Native American woman.