19 Names to Substitute for Melissa
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Melissa is a favorite girls' name from the 80s and 90s that at this point is overused. Here are some possible substitutes.
- Eliza
"pledged to God"Description:
Eliza is a name with a wonderful combination of streamlined zest and Eliza Doolittle charm and spunk. It's a classic that's popular right now -- but not too popular.
- Eliana
"my God has answered"Description:
Eliana is a lilting, rhythmic choice, which has caught on in the US and other English-speaking countries. Currently popular in the UK, The Netherlands, Canada, and Brazil, it also makes the US Top 50.
- Francesca
Italian variation of FrancesMeaning:
"from France or free man"Description:
Francesca is a lighter and much more feminine choice than the classic Frances, and one that is increasingly popular with upscale parents.
- Juliana
"youthful or sky father"Description:
Long common in Europe, the elegant and regal Juliana, also spelled with two n's, has invaded these shores, in tandem with the more classic Julia. Together with Julian, the name derives from Julius, a Roman family name. Its origin is shrouded in history, but possible roots include Latin iuvenis, meaning "youthfu"; Greek ioulos, meaning "downy-bearded"; or Jovis, a form of Jupiter, which means "sky father".
- Selena
Latinized variation of Greek SeleneMeaning:
Selena is smooth, shiny, and sensual, a nineteenth-century name that found new life in the Latino community, following the biopic of slain Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla, starring Jennifer Lopez. But you don't have to be Latin to love Selena, which is both distinctive yet in step with stylish modern names such as Seraphina and Celia.
- Millicent
"strong in work"Description:
Combining the mild and the innocent, this sweet and feminine name is worthy of a comeback, in the mode of Madeline and Cecilia. Its original, also attractive form is Melisende, which came from Germany to France and was borne by a daughter of Charlemagne.
- Larissa
English, German, and Portuguese variation of Larisa, Greek and RussianMeaning:
Daintily pretty without being frilly, Larissa is familiar but more quietly used than its sound-alikes Melissa and Alyssa. Though this is the more common variation in the Western World, the original is actually Larisa.
- Nerissa
"from the sea"Description:
An offbeat possible replacement for the overused Melissa and Marisa, Nerissa was used by Shakespeare for Portia's witty confidante in The Merchant of Venice. Queen Elizabeth has a cousin named Nerissa.
- Alexa
Greek, EnglishMeaning:
"defending men"Description:
Alexa was a steadily popular modern classic until Amazon's virtual assistant Alexa was released in 2013. It remains relatively well used in the US despite this, though its standing keeps dropping for obvious reasons. Too bad, because it's a strong and pretty name (which is probably why Amazon used it.)
- Melora
"golden apple"Description:
Euphonic hybrid of the sounds of Melissa and Laura. Melora Hardin is an actress who was featured on The Office.
- Marissa
Variation of Maris or a combination of Maria + LouisaMeaning:
"drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + famous battle"Description:
Pretty feminissima name that never became as overused as cousin Melissa. The more streamlined Maris is a more modern sounding option.
- Marisa
Italian and Spanish combination of Maria and LouisaMeaning:
"drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + famous battle"Description:
A name made famous by Marisas Berenson and Tomei, never became as saturated as its cousin Melissa, so still a feasible choice. Marisa is one of those Spanish and Italian names for girls that sounds at once unusual and familiar, which makes it truly an international choice.
- Melisande
French form of Millicent, GermanMeaning:
"strong in work"Description:
This old-time fairy tale name is rarely heard in the modern English-speaking world, but it's so, well, mellifluous, that it would make a lovely choice for a twenty-first century girl--a romanticized tribute to an Aunt Melissa or Melanie.
- Melania
Spanish and Greek variation of MelanieMeaning:
The current wife of Donald Trump, Slovenian model Melania Knauss, brought this pretty version to the fore. Saint Melania was an heiress who freed thousands of enslaved people.
- Anissa
A pretty and delicate cousin of Anna is often heard in Scotland and is also currently popular in France. In the US it was brought to public attention by child actress Anissa Jones, who played Buffy on the popular TV show Family Affair, which debuted in 1966, bringing her name onto the charts the following year. Born Mary Anissa, her middle/stage name reflected her Lebanese heritage.
- Carissa
Trending down, along with others of both the Car and the issa groups.
- Lissa
African, Arabic mythological name; diminutive of Melissa, GreekMeaning:
Lissa might be an abbreviation of Melissa, but it's more substantial in its own right: Lissa is the name of a supreme mother goddess in African mythology and an Arabic symbol of rebirth.
- Melantha
"dark flower"Description:
The th sound both softens and complicates this Melanie relative.
- Amarissa
Combination name, Ama + issaMeaning:
"little lover"Description:
Amarissa is kind of cobbled together from two traditional elements: Ama, which means "love" or "lover" and is found in such more established names as Amabel and Amariah, and -issa, which is a common feminine suffix that functions as a diminutive. While Amarissa is pretty and frilly, it may frequently be misunderstood as Marissa, Melissa, and may ultimately be more trouble than it's worth.