Papal Names

  1. Marinus
    • Romanus
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from Rome"
      • Description:

        Most parents looking for an ancient Roman name would probably prefer something less generic, like, say, MAGNUS or CLAUDIUS.
    • Zephyrinus
      • Origin:

        Latin form of Zephyrus, Greek mythology name
      • Meaning:

        "west wind"
      • Description:

        Zephyrinus is the form of the name of the Greek god of the west wind best known as the name of a Jewish pope and saint.
    • Sergius
      • Origin:

        Latin, a Roman clan name
      • Description:

        Rarely heard in modern times, it was used by Norman Mailer for the hero of his book The Deer Park.
    • Ursinus
      • Paschal
        • Damasus
          • Honorius
            • Origin:

              Ancient Roman name
            • Description:

              This early name of emperors and popes survives in modern forms such as Honor, used for both genders.
          • Pelagius