Middle Names for Boys (with Meanings and Popularity)

  1. Cale
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Caleb or surname
    • Description:

      This up-and-coming single-syllable name has a few famous bearers, including baseballer Cale Iorg and Canadian hip-hop musician Cale Sampson. Sounding like Kale, this name also has a crunchy, hipster vibe.
  2. Puck
    • Origin:

      Literary name
    • Description:

      Puck was Shakespeare's mischievous pixie who'a had a few television incarnations in more recent years. A popular name in The Netherlands but nowhere else, from what we can tell.
  3. Hero
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though the mythological Hero was female, this name might prove too big a responsibility for a little guy to shoulder.
  4. North
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "cardinal direction of north"
    • Description:

      A lot of attention was drawn to this name when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced it as the name of their baby daughter, making it instantly unisex.
  5. Breaker
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      One of the aggressive new boys' names, ala Tracker and Heller, that have become fashionable among parents who are courting trouble.
  6. Arc
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      Refers, in literal terms, to a curved line -- as in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famed "arc of justice." Could also be used as a reference to Joan of Arc -- Arc being, there, derived from her father's name, rather than a place -- or, conceivably, to Noah's Ark.
  7. Price
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of Rhys"
    • Description:

      Some names referring to expensive things -- Tiffany, Armani, Porsche -- are in fact declasse, but Price transcends that label with its simplicity and strength.
  8. Bay
    • Origin:

      English word, Old English
    • Meaning:

      "an inlet of the sea where the land curves inward; berry"
    • Description:

      Like River and Lake, a cool, refreshing modern water-related choice. This name is also associated with bay leaves, the bay laurel, the contemporary term of endearment, "bae", and the Old English word beġ meaning "berry"
  9. Bandit
    • Origin:

      Word or occupational name
    • Description:

      We hesitate to call Bandit an occupational name, any more than Rogue or Vandal are occupational names, yet its use by one of the bandmembers of My Chemical Romance (for his daughter: we're not even going to go there) undoubtedly owes a debt to occupational cousins from Pilot to Parker. Recommended for use by rock stars with full-time nannies only.
  10. Harbor
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      If you like names that are not really names -- some say, the wave of the future -- Harbor has an attractive sound as well as an appealing meaning and image.
  11. Garland
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      A surprisingly wearable floral name for a boy.
  12. Rhythm
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      A musical name that is undeniably cool and, well, rhythmic. Its biggest challenge may be the spelling. Well, maybe not the biggest challenge. Save this one for a middle name.
  13. Fate
    • Origin:

      Short form of Lafayette, French, English word name
    • Meaning:

      "faith; predestined, destiny, chance"
    • Description:

      Briefly in the US Top 1000 in the late 19th century, Fate likely emerged as a short form for the old French name, Lafayette. In the contemporary landscape however, it may well be perceived as a word name among English speakers, akin to Destiny, Chance, Blessing, and Chosen. Around six boys are given the name Fate each year in the US, though 2023 saw it rise a little, with ten babies receiving the name.
  14. Steel
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Hard and shiny, Steel projects an image that's smooth, macho...and cold to the touch.
  15. Maison
    • Origin:

      French word name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Mason with a French accent. It first entered the US Top 1000 in 2012, and it will likely hang on for as long as its brother-in-spelling-variations, Mayson.
  16. Zio
    • Origin:

      Italian word name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Zio is a pet form for names ending with 'zio', such as Maurizio, Marzio and Tiburzio. As a full name in Italian, though it wouldl be like naming your son Uncle Uncle.
  17. January
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "month name"
    • Description:

      Cooler than the older month names like April and May, and a highly unusual and eye-catching choice. The most famous real-life January is female – January Jones – but the month is named for the Roman god Janus, who presided over doors and new beginnings.
  18. Auburn
    • Origin:

      Color name
    • Meaning:

      "deep reddish-brown"
    • Description:

      A strong, warm name and a strong warm color. Would make an excellent alternative to August or Aubrey.
  19. Loyal
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "faithful, loyal"
    • Description:

      Loyal is one of the few virtue names suitable for boys, an honorable and principled Boy Scout-esque appellation with a surprisingly long and distinguished history.
  20. Golden
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Like Silver, a shimmering metallic color name, almost too dazzling for an ordinary boy.