Five Syllable Baby Names

Five Syllable Baby Names

Five syllable baby names are a rare and refined bunch, with an elaborate charm and plenty of nickname potential. Long first names provide the perfect balance for a short surname or middle name, and give your child plenty of options as they move through life.

Five syllable names that have ranked near the top of the US charts in recent years include Anastasia and Alexandria for girls and Emiliano and Maximilian for boys. But most five syllable baby names are uncommon or unique, with intriguing options like Apollonia, Cassiopeia, Michelangelo and Napoleone never in the US Top 1000. Four-syllable baby names may prove to be a lot of name for a youngster to carry, but many four-syllable names come with shorter, cuter nicknames. Evangelina may be Evie or Lina, Maximilian can go by Max, and Ozymandias could use the awesome nickname Ozzy. Here is our collection of the best five syllable baby names today, ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry.


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  1. Anastasia
    • Origin:

      Greek, feminine variation of Anastasios
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anastasia is the feminine form on Anastasius, a Greek name derived from the word anastasis, meaning "resurrection." It was a common name among early Christians, who often gave it to daughters born around Christmas or Easter. There are handful of saints named Anastasia, including the patron saint of weavers.
  2. Cassiopeia
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

      "cassia juice"
    • Description:

      Cassiopeia, the name of a mythological mother who became a stellar constellation, is challenging but intriguing, and has all those softening Cass nicknames available. And with all names Cass-related trending, Cassiopeia may be an unusual route to a stylish name.
  3. Maximilian
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This name once seemed a bit grand and pompous for an American baby boy, but a significant number of parents are now preferring it as a substantial platform for the nickname Max, among them Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, who chose it for their twin son.
  4. Emiliano
    • Origin:

      Italian and Spanish variation of Emil
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Emiliano is an appealing Latinate version of Emil, with the same gentle sounds but additional flair. Popular in Chile and Mexico, where it ranks in the Top 20, Emiliano is also a rising name in the US.
  5. Alexandria
    • Origin:

      Variation of Alexandra, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexandria turns classic Alexandra into a more distinctive place-name, in both Egypt and Virginia, while also giving it a touchy of frilliness. The name peaked in the 90s when it entered the US Top 100 for the first time, but has since been on decline.
  6. Eleonora
    • Origin:

      Italian, German, Dutch, and Polish variation of Eleanor
    • Description:

      Makes a serious name frilly and feminine, which, depending on your viewpoint, might be a good or a bad thing. In this case, we vote good.
  7. Apollonia
    • Origin:

      Greek, Feminine variation of Apollo, Greek sun god.
    • Description:

      This name of a third-century Christian martyr has an romantic, appealing feel in the modern world. It first came to American attention via Prince's love interest in the film Purple Rain.
  8. Theodosia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "gift of God"
    • Description:

      This feminine form of Theodosius has long been buried deep in the attic, but might be a good discovery for the parent who wants to move beyond Theodora. Vice President Aaron Burr named a daughter Theodosia ("Dear Theodosia" is a song in the smash musical Hamilton), and it was the birth name of silent screen vamp Theda Bara. Theodosia actually appeared on the US popularity lists in the 1880s and 90s.
  9. Artemisia
    • Origin:

      Greek, variation of Artemis
    • Description:

      You might think Artemisia is the feminine form of the name, but in fact the original Artemis is feminine too, the name of the Greek mythological goddess of the moon. Artemisia Gentileschi was an esteemed Italian Baroque painter, unusual in an era when not many women were acknowledged. Artemisia is also a genus of plants which include sagebrush and tarragon.
  10. Dionysius
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

      "god of Nysa"
    • Description:

      Dionysius derives from Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, revelry and fertility. This Romanized spelling has been used for poets, soldiers, and saints throughout the centuries, but is hardly ever seen today.
  11. Ozymandias
    • Origin:

      Greek variant of Ramses, Egyptian
    • Meaning:

      "begotten by Ra, the Sun God"
    • Description:

      Percy Bysshe Shelley got the name for one of his most famous poems -- a sonnet about the insignificance of man's labors in the vastness of time -- from the Greek name for Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II.
  12. Leocadia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "splendid brightness"
    • Description:

      Leocadia marries a mix of sounds: the strength of a lion, with a rhythmic Latin ending.
  13. Emiliana
    • Origin:

      Italian variation of Emily
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The enormous popularity of Emily and Emma means that parents will be looking further afield for substitutes -- and this is one of the prettiest.

  14. Iphigenia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "of royal birth"
    • Description:

      In mythology, Iphigenia was sacrificed by her father, Agamemnon -- a difficult legacy to pass on to a daughter, and only one reason the name is hardly ever used.
  15. Caledonia
    • Origin:

      Latin place-name for Scotland
    • Meaning:

      "hard or rocky land"
    • Description:

      Caledonia is a rhythmic and alluring place name used by singer Shawn Colvin for her daughter. It would make an interesting and apt choice for a girl with Scottish ancestry.
  16. Serendipity
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "unexpected good fortune"
    • Description:

      A unique virtue name with a sound as happy and lively as its meaning.
  17. Vercingetorix
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "king over warriors"
    • Description:

      An ancient Gaulish king with a cumbersome name and history. Vercingetorix was the leader of the Arverni tribe, who united the Gauls in a revolt against Roman forces during Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars. He was ultimately defeated, brought to Rome, and executed.
  18. Alexandrina
    • Origin:

      Greek, variation of Alexandra,
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Alexandrina is the most elaborate and unusual of the Alex- girls's names.The real first name of Queen Victoria, who was given it in honor of her godfather, Alexander I of Russia (her childhood nickname was Drina), it would make a distinctive pick, even though some might find five syllables a bit much. It was particularly popular in Scotland in the 1930s.
  19. Theophania
    • Origin:

    • Description:

      This ancient name, belonging to a Byzantine empress, may be difficult to wear. The English variation Tiffany may be more wearable.
  20. Desiderio
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "desired one"
    • Description:

      Desiderio was the full name of the Cuban bandleader who famously Loved Lucy. There was also a Saint Desiderio. Major attraction: the great nickname Desi.