Unusual Girl Names

  1. Cyllene
    • Cymbelie
      • Cymbeline
        • Cymberlie
          • Dash
            • Origin:

              Word name
            • Description:

              For a boy, Dash is usually short for Dashiell, but as a girl's name it just stands for energetic--and also the stores run by the Kardashian sisters..
          • December
            • Origin:

              English word name
            • Meaning:

              "month name"
            • Description:

              Cooler than April, May, or June, but also a tad icy.
          • Delight
            • Origin:

              English word name
            • Meaning:

              "gratification or pleasure"
            • Description:

              The mythical daughter of Eros and Psyche becomes a modern-sounding word name. Danger: could be seen as X-rated.
          • Delta
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "letter or island"
            • Description:

              Delta is an unusual vintage option with a lazy-day-down-by-the-river feel. Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet and also the geographical name given to an island formed at the mouth of a river.
          • Democracy
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "democracy, of the people"
            • Description:

              A big, bold, ultra-rare virtue name. Could it follow in the footsteps of Justice and Liberty?
          • Deseana
            • Dimity
              • Origin:

                Type of cotton cloth
              • Description:

                Dimity is fairly common in Australia, but unheard of outside of it, which is surprising given its similarity to names like Amity, Verity, and Cassidy.
            • Discovery
              • Origin:

                Word name
              • Description:

                A lot to handle, but it does give a sense of openness, joy, and awe.
            • Diversity
              • Origin:

                Word name
              • Description:

                As a name, a bit too p. c.
            • Divinity
              • Origin:

                Word name
              • Description:

                Could be a sister to Trinity, Genesis, or Heaven.
            • Dottie
              • Origin:

                English, diminutive of Dorothy
              • Meaning:

                "gift of God"
              • Description:

                Dottie and Dot are old Dorothy nicknames that some cutting-edge Brits are bringing back to fashion. It's been half a century since Dottie ranked on its own in this country, one of those nickname names that flourished in the 1890's.
            • Dove
              • Origin:

                Nature name
              • Meaning:

                "dove, a bird"
              • Description:

                One of the new bird names, like Lark and Wren, this one's associated with the billing and cooing sounds of love. Soft and gentle, Dove also has the admirable association with peace.
            • Dream
              • Origin:

                Word name
              • Description:

                Singular and serene noun name that's been used by a couple of celebs.
            • Dylana
              • Origin:

                Feminine variation of Dylan
              • Description:

                Feminizes Dylan -- but why bother.
            • Danniellen
              • Danniellynn