At Least Ten Characters

  1. Muirchertach
    • Mélisandre
      • Mélissandre
        • Mélysandre
          • Nabouchodonosor
            • Nebuchadnezzar
              • Nevukhadnetztzar
                • Oholibamah
                  • Olympiodoros
                    • Onesiphorus
                      • Othelindis
                        • Persephone
                          • Origin:

                          • Meaning:

                            "bringer of destruction"
                          • Description:

                            Persephone is the esoteric name of the Greek mythological daughter of Zeus by Demeter, the queen of the harvest. After she was kidnapped by Hades to be Queen of the Underworld, it was decreed by Zeus that she would spend six months of the year with her mother, allowing crops to grow, and six in mourning, thus accounting for the seasons.
                        • Petronilla
                          • Origin:

                            Roman and Italian feminine variation of Petronius
                          • Meaning:

                          • Description:

                            Petronilla is an ancient saint's name that relates to the Roman family name Petronius, thought to mean yokel, though some connect it with Petra or Peter, meaning stone. With the resurgence of so many ancient Roman names, the elaborate and pretty Petronilla or its French form Petronille seem more usable these days than they have in centuries.
                        • Philadelphia
                          • Origin:

                            Greek place-name
                          • Meaning:

                            "brotherly love"
                          • Description:

                            Place-name mentioned in the New Testament and not yet on the name map. Philadelphia Thursday was the character played by Shirley Temple in John Ford's 1948 "Fort Apache."
                        • Philippine
                          • Origin:

                            French, feminine variation of Philippe
                          • Meaning:

                            "lover of horses"
                          • Description:

                            Philippine would be taken as an ethnic identification rather than a name in the U.S. Better try Philippa, though if you don't mind eternally correcting people, Philippine can make an interesting alternative. Pippa can be a short form of Philippine as well as Philippa.
                        • Panagiotakis
                          • Paraskevoula
                            • Parshandatha
                              • Philologus
                                • Quintilianus