Germanic Wolf Boys

  1. Ealdwulf
    • Eardulf
      • Eardwulf
        • Ecgwulf
          • Edulf
            • Ernulf
              • Ferdulf
                • Fredulf
                  • Fridulph
                    • Frodulph
                      • Gandolf
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Gandolf and variant Gandulf are legitimate names used in medieval Europe, including by several bishops and dukes. From it comes the name of Castel Gandolfo, the pope's summer residence. However, to most people this will feel like a misspelling of the wizard Gandalf.
                      • Gangolf
                        • Gangulphus
                          • Gelulf
                            • Gerlof
                              • Gerolf
                                • Gingolph
                                  • Gisulf
                                    • Gisulfus
                                      • Gondulf