Flower Names for Girls

  1. Mayflower
    • Meadowsweet
      • Moonbeam
        • Moonflower
          • Narcissa
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              This Greek flower and mythological choice doesn't make it into the pantheon of possibilities because of its association with narcissism. But narcissa is December's flower of the month, so Narcissa and Daffodil theoretically make perfect names for December babies.
          • Nerine
            • Origin:

              Greek mythology name
            • Description:

              A new brand of eyedrop.
          • Nigella
            • Origin:

              Feminine variation of Nigel; botanical name from Latin
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              A name that sounded unthinkably priggish until it became attached to Domestic Goddess British TV chef Nigella Lawson (named for her father), who gave it a big dollop of glamour.
          • Nizana
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "a flower bud"
            • Description:

              Has a pleasantly fizzy, effervescent feeling.
          • Nolana
            • Nandina
              • Nicandra
                • Nymphaea
                  • Orchid
                    • Origin:

                      From Greek
                    • Meaning:

                      "orchid flower"
                    • Description:

                      Orchid is a hothouse bloom that has not been plucked by many modern baby namers — yet. In the language of flowers, orchids symbolize love, beauty, and sophistication.
                  • Oleander
                    • Olneya
                      • Pansy
                        • Origin:

                          English flower name from French
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Pansy is an early floral name that lost credibility when it became a derogatory slang term for gay people. Better these days: Posy or Poppy.
                      • Penthia
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Penthia might not be the most charming flower name, but as the lovely Penelope ascends, and the lovely Cynthia fades away, a compromise may be in order.
                      • Peony
                        • Origin:

                          Flower name; Latin
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          One of the rarest of the floral names, though not without some teasing potential. Peony is a historical 1948 novel by Pearl S. Buck.
                      • Petal
                        • Origin:

                          English from Greek
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Petal is the soft and sweet-smelling name of a character in the novel and film, The Shipping News. With the rise of such flower names as Poppy and Posy, we believe Petal — down-to-earth yet romantic — has its own appealingly distinctive style.
                      • Petunia
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                          "trumpet-shaped flower"
                        • Description:

                          Literary heritage: the "Loony Tunes" girlfriend of Porky Pig. But with the increasing popularity of all kinds of unusual botanical names, Petunia may be a name we start to hear more of. Perhaps-more-pleasing Petunia alternatives: Petal, Posy, Poppy.