Really Unusual Names That I Love!

  1. Erramun
    • Esmeralda
      • Origin:

        Spanish and Portuguese
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Esmeralda came into use as an applied use of the Spanish word for emerald, esmeralda. In the 1831 Victor Hugo novel Notre-Dame de Paris, also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, the heroine was born Agnes, but called La Esmeralda in reference to the jewel she wears around her neck. The name Esmeralda got increased visibility via the Disney version of the story.
    • Estefania
      • Origin:

        Spanish variation of Stephanie
      • Description:

        Attractive international Stephanie alternative. Estefania ranks in the Top 100 in Puerto Rico.
    • Euan
      • Origin:

        Gaelic, Anglicized form of Eoghann
      • Meaning:

        "born of the yew tree"
      • Description:

        The attractive Euan and Ewan are just coming onto the U.S. radar, via actor Ewan MacGregor and Harry Potter's Euan Abercrombie.
    • Eulia
      • Euphemia
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "fair speech"
        • Description:

          Ancient martyr's name that, though not especially appealing, might still be mildly possible, especially for Anglophiles. It was widely used in early Scotland, but was overtaken by its nickname, Effie.
      • Evzen
        • Fabia
          • Origin:

            Latin female variation of Fabian
          • Meaning:

            "bean grower"
          • Description:

            Fabia is one of several pleasant international-accented female versions of Fabian.
        • Felice
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Felix is rising in the chart for boys, and its feminine variations are sure to follow. The best knows these days, thanks to the TV character, is Felicity, but there's also Felicia and Felice. Like Lucia, Felice is a name with different pronunciations depending on where it's used. The Italians pronounce it fa-LEECH-ay, but the Americanized version is feh-LEESE.
        • Ferenc
          • Origin:

            Hungarian form of Francis
          • Meaning:

            "Frenchman or free man"
          • Description:

            Ferenc is well used in Hungary, where it has the intriguing nickname Ferko, it has been associated with the playwright Molnar.
        • Ffion
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            This unusual (to non-Welsh speakers) is near the top of the charts in Wales, carried by the recent taste for native Welsh names. Those in Wales say it's already on the way down, but for outsiders wanting to honor their Welsh heritage, it still makes an intriguing choice.
        • Fiore
          • Galileo
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "from Galilee"
            • Description:

              The name of the great Renaissance astronomer and mathematician would make a distinctive hero-middle-name for the son of parents involved in those fields.
          • Giuseppina
            • Origin:

              Italian, feminine variation of Giuseppe
            • Description:

              One case where the English version -- Josephine -- is far preferable.
          • Gracinha
            • Gustav
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "staff of the Goths"
              • Description:

                Gray-bearded name heard primarily in Sweden and Germany.
            • Hadeon
              • Hecuba
                • Origin:

                  Greek literary name
                • Description:

                  Queen Hecuba was the legendary queen of King Priam of Troy, mother of Hector, Paris, Cassandra and others. Euripedes' tragedy Hecuba depicts Hecuba's grief over the death of her daughter Polyxena, and the revenge she takes for the murder of her youngest son Polydorus.
              • Hendrika
                • Ia
                  • Origin:

                  • Description:

                    This punchy little name, reminiscent of Latin Io, has a whimsical and beautiful fable behind it. According to legend, the Cornish saint Ia was an Irish princess who sailed across the sea to Cornwall on a leaf. She was martyred and buried at the spot where the church of St Ives (called Porth Ia - "St Ia’s cove" - in Cornish) now stands. EE-ah is the Cornish pronunciation, but EYE-ah is also accepted.