Beautiful, Chic French Names for Baby Girls

  1. Celeste
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Celeste is a softly pretty and somewhat quaint name with heavenly overtones, which kids might associate with Queen Celeste of Babar's elephant kingdom. She's a light and lovely choice that's finally getting noticed.
  2. Celestine
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Celestine is a pretty, crystalline extension (actually a diminutive) of Celeste that would make a choice that is both delicate and strong. It is also a popular name in France.
  3. Celine
    • Origin:

      French variation of Celeste
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      French-Canadian singer Dion made us notice this variation. Although many parents would prefer the homonym Selene, which has a different derivation and means "moon," Celine has been a Top 1000 name every year since 2012, and was also on the list each year from 1994 to 2005. Celine is also a newly-chic French fashion label.
  4. Chambray
    • Origin:

      French word name
    • Description:

      Another one of those word names, like Cachet, with a pretty sound and a silly meaning: chambray is a fabric.
  5. Chanel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "dweller near the canal"
    • Description:

      Fans of the classic French designer would now more fashionably choose Coco.
  6. Chantal
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "stone, boulder"
    • Description:

      Though associated with a French saint noted for her holiness and strength of character, this name is somewhat dated and it might be better to look to one of the more modern names popular for little girls in France today: Oceane, Lea, Manon.
  7. Chantilly
    • Origin:

      French place name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The name of a French city famous for its fine lace. Another association: Chantilly cream – a sweetened whipped cream apparently invented there in the 17th century by a chef at the Château de Chantilly. The town probably takes is name from the Gallo-Roman personal name Cantilius, derived from a word for "white".
  8. Cherie
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The kind of French name that seemed daring -- and darling -- in the sixties.
  9. Claire
    • Origin:

      French form of Clara
    • Meaning:

      "bright, clear"
    • Description:

      Claire, luminous, simple, and strong, is one of those special names that is familiar yet distinctive, feminine but not frilly, combining historical depth with a modern edge. And though Claire is enjoying revived popularity, it will never be seen as trendy. Claire is also a great middle name choice.
  10. Clementine
    • Origin:

      French feminine version of Clement, Latin
    • Meaning:

      "mild, merciful"
    • Description:

      Clementine is a Nameberry favorite that broke back into the US Top 1000 in 2014 after more than half a century off the list.
  11. Coco
    • Origin:

      Spanish and French pet name
    • Description:

      Coco came to prominence as the nickname of the legendary French designer Chanel (born Gabrielle) and has lately become a starbaby favorite, initially chosen by Courteney Cox for her daughter Coco Riley in 2004. At first it was the kind of name that the press loves to ridicule, but we predict Coco's heading for more broad acceptance and even popularity.
  12. Colette
    • Origin:

      French, short form of Nicole, feminine variation of Nicholas, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "people of victory"
    • Description:

      Like the French author with whom the name is most closely associated, Colette is a chic and charming name that is being rediscovered. After disappearing for nearly 30 years, Colette rejoined the Top 1000 in 2012 at Number 659 and has continued to rise since then.
  13. Coralie
    • Origin:

      French from Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Coralie is a French name not often heard here, though she's gaining some recognition via Neil Gaiman's similar sounding spooky and lovely children's book, Coraline. Other literary appearances: Coralie is the stage name of an actress in Balzac's Lost Illusions, and a French girl in an 1850 Thackeray novel.

      Coralie is currently very popular in French-speaking Quebec, and there is a contemporary French singer named Coralie Clement.

  14. Corinne
    • Origin:

      French variation of Greek Korinna
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Corinne is one of the names that, it might surprise you to learn, has never been off the US popularity charts. Its most popular year was 1926, when it ranked Number 249. Corinna is another pretty ancient form of the name, technically a diminutive.
  15. Danette
    • Delancey
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from Lancey"
      • Description:

        This is an energetic dance of an Irish surname, great for both genders. Could also be spelled Delancy.
    • Delphine
      • Origin:

        French from Greek
      • Meaning:

        "of Delphi; womb"
      • Description:

        Delphine is a sleek, chic French name with two nature associations — the dolphin and the delphinium, a bluebell-like flower, a well as a link to the ancient city of Delphi, which the Greeks believed to be the womb of the earth. All of these derive from the Greek word delphus "womb".
    • Desiree
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "desired, wished"
      • Description:

        One of the original French names chosen by midcentury parents for their sophistication and je ne sais quoi, Desiree has since become completely assimilated in the US. It ranked in the Top 1000 from 1954-2017, but has since dropped back out.
    • Dimanche
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Pleasant-sounding word that could morph into a unique Sunday-picnic-type name.
    • Dominique
      • Origin:

        French, feminine variation of Dominic
      • Meaning:

        "belonging to a lord"
      • Description:

        Had a surge of popularity in the Dynasty days, now has subsided in the wake of fresher French choices like Destry and Delphine, though it retains its sense of sophistication. It's one of the most truly gender-neutral baby names right now.