Aussie Inspirations - PLACES

  1. Fowler
    • Fraser
      • Origin:

        Scottish from French
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Though TV's "Frasier" made the name famous, and Frazier is a well-used variation, Fraser is the original, used mostly in Scotland.
    • Flinder
      • Frankston
        • Fremantle
          • Grace
            • Origin:

              English, virtue name
            • Description:

              Grace, a simple and pure virtue name which originally referred to divine grace, is a fashionable classic. In the early 2000s, it seemed headed for the Top 10 but pulled back from the upward trajectory, which you may consider a very good thing.
          • Grove
            • Origin:

              Nature name
            • Meaning:

              "grove of trees"
            • Description:

              If you find Grover too fusty and furry, this is a much cooler-sounding alternative.
          • Geraldton
            • Hamilton
              • Origin:

                English and Scottish
              • Meaning:

                "treeless hill"
              • Description:

                Unless it runs in your family, or Alexander Hamilton is your particular hero, you might consider something less imposing -- and without the teasable nickname Ham.
            • Haven
              • Origin:

                Word name, English
              • Meaning:

                "a place of safety"
              • Description:

                Haven is a recently invented safe-harbor name that appeals to an increasing number of parents who don't want to voyage quite as far as Heaven.
            • Hervey
              • Hobart
                • Origin:

                  English and Dutch variation of Hubert
                • Description:

                  More user-friendly than the original.
              • Hope
                • Origin:

                  Virtue name
                • Description:

                  Can a name as virtuous as Hope be cool and trendy? Strangely enough -- yes. But though this optimistic Puritan favorite is experiencing substantial popularity, Hope is too pure and elegant to be corrupted, a lovely classic that deserves all the attention it's getting.
              • Howe
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  The minimalist Howard.
              • Hugh
                • Origin:

                  English from German
                • Meaning:

                  "mind, intellect"
                • Description:

                  Patrician to the core, Hugh was firmly in the Top 100 until 1903. It's never achieved those heights again, though it has always managed to remain in the Top 1000, scraping bottom at literally Number 1000 in 2006 before reversing course and heading back upwards.
              • Hunter
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "one who hunts"
                • Description:

                  Hunter has been dropping a bit for the past few years but is still one of the leaders of a distinctive band of boys' names that combines macho imagery (Hunter, Austin, Harley) with a softened masculinity. Hunter was for years attached to gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson; Josh Holloway used it for his son.
              • Hyde
                • Origin:

                  Medieval measure of land, or English surname
                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Hyde, of course, is most familiar as a surname -- as in Mr. Hyde, evil alter ego of Dr. Jeckyll. Unless Hyde is a family name or you have some other excellent reason for using it, we think you could do better.
              • Harbour
                • Hawkesbury
                  • Hyam