Fantasy OC - PC Names - Gender Neutral
- Lonniel
- Lorel
- Loris
- Loyce
- Lucis
- Lular
- Lyden
- Macel
- Madel
- Mael
French or BretonMeaning:
"chief or prince"Description:
The name of a fifth century Breton saint, Mael is a popular boys' name in contemporary France, though it is usually spelled with a diaeresis or umlaut - Maël. Mael is the Breton spelling, and the pronunciation is almost like the English word mile, with two distinctive syllables.
- Maelen
- Magdalen
"woman from Magdala or high tower"Description:
Biblical name long associated with the fallen-yet-redeemed Mary Magdalen, now rising improbably into the ranks of the fashionable among parents hungry for classic yet distinctive girls' names. The Magdalene and Magdalena versions are perhaps even more stylish. Can be shortened to Maggie or Magda but the full version is prettiest. One of our new favorites!
- Mahalar
- Mai
Japanese, French, Welsh, Vietnamese, NavajoMeaning:
"dance; May; cherry blossom; coyote"Description:
Cross-cultural winner.
- Maime
- Mairead
Irish, shortened fom of Mairghread, variation of MargaretMeaning:
Pronounced MAW-rayt or ma-RAYD, Mairead is close enough to Maureen to be accepted here. The name became popular in Ireland due to admiration for the saint of that name. Peig and Peigi are its Irish-language nicknames.
- Mairsil
- Makari
Russian, GreekMeaning:
"blessed, happy; I wish"Description:
To those unfamiliar with it, Makari might have the sound, feel, and look of a modern inventions, similar to Amari, Jakari, or Makai. It is however a Russian name, derived from the Greek Makarios. Borne by two 14th-century Orthodox Russian saints, Makari can also be transcribed as Makariy or Makary.
- Malachite
Gemstone nameDescription:
There aren't many gemstone names that are firmly masculine but Malachite is one of these. The gemstone is a rich green colour and is often used for decorative sculptures. The name is thought to derive from the name of the Mallow plant, the leaves of which resemble the patterns on the gemstone. The name is also similar to the Hebrew name Malachi.
- Mali
Welsh form of Molly or ThaiMeaning:
"jasmine flower"Description:
Seems unfamiliar, till you realize everyone will just hear it as Molly. In Wales, Mali is a Top 100 name.