Fantasy OC - PC Names - Gender Neutral

  1. Mavon
    • Mayr
      • Meinir
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Pretty Welsh name with potential. In a folk tale from north-west Wales, Meinir and Rhys were lovers whose wedding day came to a tragic end.
      • Melinder
        • Melior
          • Mellear
            • Melwyn
              • Melyor
                • Meral
                  • Merced
                    • Merel
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Merel is a soundalike of Meryl and may be thought of as a variation of that name, but it's also the Dutch word for blackbird and so you can make it more stylish as one of the flock of cool new bird names, joining Wren, Lark, and Sparrow.
                    • Merial
                      • Meriel
                        • Origin:

                          Irish variation of Muriel
                        • Description:

                          Pleasant modernization of dated original.
                      • Meril
                        • Meriol
                          • Merrigan
                            • Origin:

                              Irish surname, related to the sea
                            • Description:

                              A merry surname cousin of Kerrigan, could make a lively choice for a happy little girl.
                          • Mihai
                            • Minahil
                              • Origin:

                                Arabic, Urdu
                              • Meaning:

                                "fountain, spring"
                              • Description:

                                This girls' name, largely unknown in the English-speaking world, is popular among Muslim parents especially in Pakistan.
                            • Mindel
                              • Origin:

                                Yiddish form of Hebrew Menucha
                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                Rarely heard outside the Jewish community; another form is Minda.
                            • Mirai
                              • Origin:

                                Japanese or Shona
                              • Meaning:

                                "future or wait"
                              • Description:

                                A modern Japanese name meaning "future", borne by figure skater Mirai Nagasu. The name is technically unisex, but more often given to girls. Mirai is also a Shona female given name, meaning "wait".