Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Macarisa
    • Macia
      • Madeira
        • Origin:

        • Description:

          Madeira is an island off Morocco where the wine comes from. Despite the alcohol association, Madeira has a gorgeous sound.
      • Madelena
        • Madelief
          • Origin:

            Dutch, '"daisy"
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Madelief is an uncommon name but not unheard of in the Netherlands, where 123 girls were called Madelief in one recent year. With its soft sounds and similarities to all those "Madeleine" type names as well as names ending in "eef/eev" sounds (Aoife, Eve, Genevieve), Madelief has potential in English-speaking countries to be a fresh and pleasant change from Daisy, Margaret and Madeleine.
        • Madella
          • Madina
            • Madolyn
              • Madrena
                • Madrona
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                  • Description:

                    A bit grown-up for a tiny baby.
                • Maebelle
                  • Maelle
                    • Origin:

                      French or Breton
                    • Meaning:

                      "chief or prince"
                    • Description:

                      This feminine form of Mael has the distinctive "aelle" ending found in Brittany. In the French spelling Maëlle, it is a Top 100 girls' name in France.
                  • Maelys
                    • Origin:

                      French or Breton
                    • Meaning:

                      "chief or prince"
                    • Description:

                      Another feminine form of the old saint's name Mael. Spelled Maëlys, it is a very popular name in France today.
                  • Maeva
                    • Origin:

                    • Meaning:

                    • Description:

                      Though it sounds like a variation of the Irish Maeve, Maeva actually hails from Tahiti, and is currently enjoying a wave of popularity in France, where it ranks in the Top 100, possibly via popular French folk singer and actress Maeva Meline.
                  • Mafalda
                    • Origin:

                      Italian and Portuguese variation of Matilda
                    • Description:

                      Mafalda is nearly unknown in the English-speaking world, despite an appearance in Harry Potter. Indeed, it does have a witchy feel. Matilda itself is preferable, or her French form Mathilde, Spanish Matilde, or abbreviation Maud.
                  • Magdala
                    • Magdalaine
                      • Magdalena
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                          "from Magdala"
                        • Description:

                          Magdalena is a pretty name forever associated with the fallen-yet-redeemed Mary Magdalen; often heard in the Hispanic community. But forward thinking parents are reviving Magdalena along with Magdalene and the unrelated but similar-sounding Marguerite.
                      • Magdalene
                        • Origin:

                          Spelling variation of Magdalen
                        • Meaning:

                          "woman from Magdala or high tower"
                        • Description:

                          This name made famous in the New Testament has gone from crusty grandma to sleek and chic in recent years, or is it months? The name's image is perhaps helped by the fact that Mary Magdalene was one of the most intriguing women inthe Bible, both a saint and a sinner.
                      • Magola